


当社の Leadership Accelerator Portfolio は、世界的に有名な方法論と知的財産に基づいて構築された一連のプログラムであり、お客様のニーズに基づいて柔軟な形式で提供されます。

理想を言えば、将来のリーダーを早期に特定し、リーダーシップの役割に就く前に潜在能力を最大限に発揮する機会を与えるべきです。 ただし、状況によっては、より迅速な進行が必要な場合があります。

当社のプログラムで進行速度を上げ、リーダーと高い潜在能力を持つ従業員の能力開発を加速できます。 当社のプログラムは、従来通りの教室や、バーチャル クラスルーム (VCE)、e ラーニングで簡単にご利用いただけます。


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    Reinforce the impact of your development journeys


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    To succeed in a rapidly changing business world, organizations need a different kind of leader: The Change-Ready Leader. Is your organization preparing your future-ready leadership? It is time now.

    Change-Ready Leader

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    Develop and maximize managers’ coaching skills.

    Coaching Accelerator

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    Leaders gain understanding of the impact they have on others

    Emotional Intelligence for Leadership Success

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    The Future of Work offerings enable leaders and their teams to reach optimal engagement, personal well-being, career success and productivity to assist employees in navigating the challenges posed by today’s ever-changing work and personal environments.

    Future of Work

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    Front-line managers learn and discuss how changes in the world and workplace have created a unique work environment that requires us to adjust how we manage others.

    Future of Work: Leading Fluid Teams

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    Navigating Change for You and Your Team Parts 1 and 2 provides today’s leaders with the insights, tools, and skills they need to effectively navigate and lead their teams through change.

    Future of Work: Navigating Change for You and Your Team

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    Expand organizational capability through proven development programs.

    Leadership Accelerators

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    Help leaders make a shift from individual contributor to contributor through others.

    Leadership Development Series

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    Strengthen your organization’s leadership base.

    Leadership Principles

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    Enabling leaders to drive bottom-line results through others.

    Leading for Impact

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    A discussion series. Now more than ever, leaders need to connect and engage to discuss critical leadership challenges. As the future of work continues to change, leaders need the opportunity to think about how they will keep employees engaged to drive business results.

    The Leadership Forum

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    No one knows your organization better than your own facilitators. Korn Ferry’s train- the-trainer process prepares your internal facilitators to effectively deliver KF content and bring the concepts to life.



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    Expand organizational capability by tapping into the power of agility.

    Activating Personal Agility

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    Reinforce the impact of your development journeys


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    Ideal for anyone who needs to be clear, concise, and persuasive when presenting ideas to colleagues, prospects, or clients.

    Communication Suite

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    The Future of Work offerings enable leaders and their teams to reach optimal engagement, personal well-being, career success and productivity to assist employees in navigating the challenges posed by today’s ever-changing work and personal environments.

    Future of Work

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    Navigating Change Parts 1 and 2 provides today’s professionals with insights, tools and skills to effectively navigate change.

    Future of Work: Navigating Change

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    Individual contributors learn and discuss how changes in the world and workplace have created a unique work environment that requires us to adjust our approach in balancing personal preferences with work results.

    Future of Work: Working on a Fluid Team

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    Finding, developing and hiring talent in today’s market is more challenging than ever and being adept at it is critical to business success. Navigating a diverse talent pool that spans generations, locations and aspirations can stall even the most aggressive hiring plan.

    Hiring Suite

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    Empower leaders to create and sustain innovative teams.

    Inspiring Innovation

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    Help leaders create development plans to support individual and organization needs.

    Talent Development

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    Use behavioral interview techniques to manage unconscious bias.


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    No one knows your organization better than your own facilitators. Korn Ferry’s train- the-trainer process prepares your internal facilitators to effectively deliver KF content and bring the concepts to life.



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    Approaches for creating a more inclusive environment at work.

    A Taste of D&I

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    Reinforce the impact of your development journeys


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    When unconscious bias training isn’t enough.

    Conscious Inclusion

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    When unconscious bias training isn’t enough.

    Conscious Inclusion eLearning Program

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    A program for the restaurant industry.

    Creating an Inclusive Experience

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    For onboarding underrepresented talent.

    FastStart Pairs

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    Eliminating bias through candid conversations.

    Getting Started: Real Talk

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    Acting as a change agent in hiring.

    Inclusive Hiring

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    Attract and hire the best talent from the broadest pool.

    Inclusive Recruiting

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    Breaking down barriers and becoming a true advocate for underrepresented talent

    Inclusive Sponsorship

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    Leading your organization’s diversity and inclusion effort.

    Leading Inclusion: Executive Briefing

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    Select and onboard the best talent from the broadest available pool.

    Making Inclusive Hiring Decisions

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    The benefits of a more diverse organization are unlocked by inclusive leadership.

    Managing Inclusion: The Annika Story

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    Building trusting relationships so that everyone on the team can thrive.

    Managing Inclusion: Voices

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    Supports executives by building their inclusive leadership skills within the context of today's demands

    Managing Inclusion: Voices Executive Briefing

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    Equips today's people leaders with what they need to unleash the potential on their teams

    Managing Inclusion: Voices eLearning Program

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    What is allyship? Going beyond expected workplace behaviors of inclusion and choosing to take action to support those experiencing inequity, marginalization, or exclusion.

    Practicing Allyship

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    Eliminating bias through candid conversations.

    Real Talk: Let's Talk

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    Eliminating bias through candid conversations.

    Real Talk: Race Conversations with Executives

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    Enable underrepresented talent to drive their own careers and overcome headwinds.

    The Power of Choice

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    No one knows your organization better than your own facilitators. Korn Ferry’s train- the-trainer process prepares your internal facilitators to effectively deliver KF content and bring the concepts to life.




貴社の事業の変革に役立つスキルを備えた人材が必要です。 トップ チームから新卒採用まで、組織内の個人のリーダーシップと専門能力の開発を、テクノロジーと科学によりパーソナライズしてご提供します。 その結果、 個人がポテンシャルを発揮し、会社のポテンシャルも実現できるリーダーとチームが生まれます。主な方法は、以下の 4 つです。

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