Prepare to take a Korn Ferry assessment
Review our candidate guide on what to expect, prepare for and learn when taking one of our assessments.

Accelerate your job search
Everything you need to nail your next interview
If you’re serious about your job search, Korn Ferry Advance gives you a personalized plan to prepare—created by one of our certified career coaches.
Your coach will be with you all the way: to strategize your search, power up your resume and be in your corner whenever you need them. In fact, 90% of senior professionals told us that a session with their coach made them more confident.
If you’re ready to give your career search and confidence a boost, sign up today.
What we stand for
We know how to ensure organizations have the right talent with the right capabilities to ignite its business strategy—whether it’s growth and innovation, globalization, or transformation. We help our clients achieve superior performance by addressing the people and organizational requirements they need.
Our purpose
To enable people and organizations to exceed their potential
Our vision
To be the preeminent organizational consultancy
Our values
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We embrace people with different points of view, from all backgrounds. And we think and work as one team.
We say what we mean and do what we say. We hold ourselves to the highest standards. And we make it safe for people to speak out when they see something wrong.
We are insatiably curious, always learning new things. And we actively help our colleagues grow and develop, too, with mentoring and support.
We never settle for the status quo. We always strive to be better today than we were yesterday and do our best for our clients, colleagues, and shareholders.
Korn Ferry cares