Semiconductors & Technology Systems

Transform your talent strategy—and your organization’s future

Building an agile organizational foundation and transforming the high-technology world

High technology and semiconductor companies are the foundation of the technology industry. The right organization and talent is key for growth and success within the industry. Change is happening at an extraordinary pace, both due to technological advancements and unprecedented disruptions. To effectively and quickly handle this change, organizations need to have the muscle and capabilities to meet it head on. Whether addressing a change in talent needs or adjusting working and service delivery models, high-tech and semiconductor companies need to have flexible and forward-looking leadership before even attempting to take on challenges.

The C-suite needs to continue to drive innovation and growth and build out their team. On top of this, they need to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion, along with upskilling talent and developing the agile leadership needed to drive future growth. Digital transformation is necessary for companies to remain relevant. But this has proved more difficult than anticipated due to not having the right team and skills to drive the transformation. Talent acquisition planning is a race for survival as demand for the right talent far outstrips supply— and the issue is expected to become more acute over the next decade.

We help our clients not only be prepared, but be at the forefront of working across the talent continuum. We help the C-suite become Radically Human Leaders. We work with CFOs to enable their transformation agenda and equip them with the right talent, organizational structure and culture to develop and upskill their teams. We also focus on leadership development and coaching, executive and professional searches, and retention through fair and equitable rewards and benefits.

Where we can help

Your performance and results are what matters. We partner with you to continually evolve and optimize to reflect the changing needs of your business. We help our high-tech clients address challenges like the below.

Developing a leadership pipeline

Less than half of technology firms believe they have a comprehensive succession plan and less than a quarter of tech executives feel that they have a ready successor. Even worse, tech firms face a shrinking talent pool of global leaders with the deep functional experience necessary to succeed in this challenging sector. The competition for key talent is forcing organizations to make major people decisions even earlier in leaders' careers. Accurately identifying and accelerating the development of high-potential talent is a necessity.

We help you find, recruit and develop the next generation of leaders. Our experienced high-tech consultants design and execute succession strategies for both internal and external talent. Our research-based talent review process helps you understand whether your organization has the talent needed for the future, then helps to implement individual development and recruitment plans to fill the gaps.

Addressing the gender gap

Although an equal number of men and women study STEM in school, twice as many men work in STEM jobs than women. That means there’s a tremendous gender gap in the high-tech sector. When women do take positions with technology firms, they’re often paid less, trapped in junior roles and face a higher turnover rate. As a result, fewer women make it to the top of organizations—currently, women hold only 5% of leadership roles in the tech sector.

We help your organization attract, identify and retain high-potential female talent by designing diversity-minded recruitment, development and promotion strategies. We start by mining your culture for stereotypes and biases, then work to eliminate these in a variety of ways including learning journeys that teach inclusive practices. We also deliver high-impact career advancement programs for underrepresented talent segments that help you build a diverse bench of future leaders. 

Our goal is to optimize your performance by unlocking the potential of all talent.

Leading digital transformation

The convergence of media, data, connectivity and mobility is transforming the technology sector. As everything moves towards digital, organizations must also transform. They must hire a new breed of talent to keep up with today’s pace of innovation and rising cybersecurity and privacy concerns. Also, as the workplace shifts, candidates for high-tech jobs need more than a STEM degree—they also need business acumen and learning agility. To succeed through disruption, high-tech professionals and leaders alike need new skill sets including strategic thinking, communication skills and stakeholder management. 

We help your business recruit and develop talent with the right cross-functional skills to excel in the future. Our high-tech consultants know what the future of work looks like, and we’ll help you build a workforce that's armed with key competencies such as agility, connectivity, discipline and focus, empowerment alignment, and openness and transparency. We also use our market-leading assessments to identify candidates who match your ideal profile, so you can achieve your goals. With our help, you can put the right talent in the right roles, ensuring your organization is positioned to seize new opportunities in the digital world.

Driving the remote workforce strategy

The foremost issue at all executive levels is to define what the future of the workplace will look like and how to set up a fair and equitable model that considers employee preference against roles that can be done at an office or at home.

We work with our clients to start thinking about the future of work, conducting surveys and sessions to develop a structured approach and a set of comprehensive options defining future workforce. 

This new hybrid model opens up resourcing options, giving access to pools of remote talent without needing to set up a large infrastructure. This also improves the quality of talent and the speed of the acquisition, resulting in better costs and improved retention. With our combined expertise across the talent continuum, we are actively helping our clients lead with a “Radically Human” approach to building out the new workforce strategy.

Let us be part of your success story. Contact us and start implementing talent strategies that accelerate your growth.

Let us be part of your success story

Contact us and see how our industry expertise can help you achieve your business goals.

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