
AI and L&D: The Dynamic Duo

In a new report, Korn Ferry explores the synergistic benefits of AI-driven training programs and personalized learning experiences with AI. 

Authors: Francisco Meza and Isaac Denison, students at the Goff Strategic Leadership Center

Across industries and regions, integrating AI into business models presents both challenges and benefits. However, recent research from the University of Phoenix shows that, despite these differences, learning and development (L&D) has become a top priority for leaders. L&D remains critical due to AI’s dual impact: it transforms how L&D can be implemented, and L&D serves as key infrastructure for reskilling and upskilling workforces in AI technology. As industries grapple with AI integration, leaders are racing to find the best strategies to maximize both AI’s impact on L&D and L&D’s role in advancing AI skills.

Generative AI (GenAI) tools have seen exponential growth since their inception. When Open AI’s ChatGPT was released in 2022, it took only five days for the platform to reach one million users. By the end of its second month, it had amassed roughly 100 million monthly users. By April 2024, that user count surged to 1.8 billion.

Early discussions about GenAI in the L&D field focused on fear: Will AI replace traditional L&D functions? Will I become obsolete if I don’t become an AI super-user? How do I learn how to use this new technology and not get left behind? While such concerns persist—and the unprecedented adoption rates speak to the technology’s advantages—AI has yet to have the total takeover that some predicted in its early days. One reason is that AI integration has yet to replicate the value of human creativity. Instead, L&D functions are leveraging GenAI to complement human efforts, optimizing existing capabilities through personalization, automation, and iteration. As irony would have it, traditional L&D structures are proving valuable for the learning, adoption, and integration of this new technology, underscoring the need for an ongoing, reciprocal relationship between technology and learning. 

A New Era of Learning

AI is the fastest-growing technological force, with over 30% of individuals using it in their workplace. A recent survey found that 70% of executives anticipate generative AI technologies like large language models (LLMs) will significantly impact their business models and competitive standing by 2027. With workplace technology evolving quickly, L&D has become the difference between keeping pace with revolutionary advancements and getting left behind.

Leveraging L&D for AI Adoption

The L&D space offers numerous opportunities for employees to benefit from this new technology. As AI supports L&D growth and advancement, companies can leverage existing L&D structures to support AI learning. Here are three ways organizations across industries can use L&D can support AI integration:

  • Reverse Mentorship: Implementing a reverse mentorship program can facilitate the rapid dissemination of AI knowledge within an organization. In fact, 77% of leaders said that early career talent often has more hands-on experience with AI. As a result, organizations have an opportunity to leverage their practical knowledge with reverse mentorship structures. What’s more, 87% of participants of these programs have described these relationships as empowering and they resulted in increased retention rates in younger hires. By having more junior employees mentor others on AI tools and applications and more tenured employees guiding strategic thinking, both groups benefit from a mutual exchange of knowledge.
  • Skill-Based Workshops: Organizing workshops and training sessions that focus on AI technologies and their applications within the business context can enhance the understanding and adoption of AI among employees. These traditional L&D models, like workshops, can support training tailored to different skill levels. This ensures that all employees, regardless of their prior exposure to AI, can gain practical skills and confidence in using the tools in community-based and accountability-oriented sessions.
  • AI Literacy Programs: Developing comprehensive AI literacy programs as a core component of the L&D curriculum can prepare the current and future workforce for AI integration. This involves educating employees not just about how AI tools work, but also about the ethical considerations and the impact of AI on various job roles and industries. By broadening the understanding of AI across the organization, a culture that embraces and leverages technological advancements emerges.

Embracing AI in L&D

L&D teams can also harness the rapid advancements in GenAI tools to significantly improve both the quality and efficiency of their learning programs, resulting in more strategic and customized training experiences. Here are three recommendations on how AI can support L&D initiatives:

  • Tailored Learning Paths: A 2023 Harvard report found that AI can create personalized learning paths by assessing employee needs and providing real-time feedback. By analyzing individual learning preferences and performance data, AI can tailor educational content to meet the specific needs of each employee, enhancing their skills in areas most relevant to their career paths. An individualized approach not only boosts engagement but also accelerates skill acquisition and competency development, making learning more effective and efficient.
  • Career Pathing: AI can also be instrumental in career pathing, providing employees with clear trajectories within the organization such as recommending specific learning modules and certifications. This ensures employees are continuously growing and evolving in their roles, aligning their development not only with the long-term objectives of the organization but also their aspirations.
  • Data-Driven Assessments: Another significant benefit of utilizing AI in L&D is data-driven insights. AI can gather and evaluate substantial volumes of data to offer insights about training program efficacy, learning habits, and ROI. These insights can help identify knowledge gaps and areas for improvement, allowing for continuous, time-efficient refinement of L&D strategies.

A Two-Way Street: Learning and Development in the Age of AI 

AI and L&D go hand in hand. L&D can transform anxiety into opportunity by using AI as a facilitator for professional growth. And integrating AI into L&D can serve as both a technological upgrade and strategic necessity. Still, AI adoption in L&D faces challenges, particularly societal fear of displacement. More than half of people aged 44 and under worry about being replaced within the next three years, which can lead to resistance to new technologies.

To address this, organizations must communicate clearly and consistently about AI's role in enhancing—not replacing—workplace functions. Leaders should opt to frame AI as a partner to human employees, allowing professionals more time to engage in more complex, creative, and strategic tasks. (Korn Ferry’s research found that over 37% of senior leaders surveyed believing in a future where people and AI work in tandem. Ultimately, effective L&D programs are essential to facilitating this transition, ensuring that employees are equipped with the mindset and skills needed to embrace AI as a valuable tool rather than a threat.

The future of L&D is intrinsically linked to the adoption and integration of AI technologies. Organizations that embrace this shift will not only improve their operational capabilities but also cultivate a dynamic, adaptable, and resilient workforce. The potential rewards of AI integration promise a transformative impact on learning and development programs. As iron sharpens iron, the synthesis of L&D and AI will sharpen and enrich the workforce, enabling continued growth and success for employees and organizations alike.

Contributions from a 2023-2024 Goff student cohort.

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