This Week in Leadership

Insights on Google's leaked memo and Brexit's impact on corporate boards, plus leadership lessons from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

August 11, 2017

A leaked memo about diversity. An unintended side effect of Brexit. Plus, what a motorcycle rally can teach leaders about diversity and inclusion. Read Korn Ferry’s take on recent news and its ties to leadership in our weekly summary of our stories and research.

What the Google Memo (Really) Exposed

An employee's explosive note on diversity may reveal the importance of a critical skill set to develop in the workplace.

Brexit Strikes Again—in the Boardroom

Facing so much uncertainty, UK firms are stalling on key decisions—including director appointments. A Korn Ferry exclusive report.

Leadership Lessons from the Back of a Harley

Forget the rough-and-tough image of old. Bikers at this week's 77th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally are providing a valuable lesson on diversity and inclusiveness.

Leaders Who "Get" Their Teams

Leaders need to do more than just "care" about workers. Emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman explains the art of social intelligence.

Japan: Aging, but Thriving

How can a country with a plunging population show economic growth? Mike Distefano discusses how Japan is defying the odds.