Leadership Development Programs to Achieve Impact

A panel discussion with leadership development (LD) practitioners.

Sati Kaur

Head of Leadership Development (Interim), Marks & Spencer

Craig Hartley-Kite

Director, Learning & Development, Figma

Previously recorded on September 11, 2024

Our research and experience tell us that a large percentage of leadership development programs fall flat and fail to fully achieve the impact desired.  From lack of stakeholder buy-in, to poor adoption of new skills by program participants, to difficulty measuring the impact of learning – barriers to successful implementation derail well-intentioned efforts.

In this webinar, we will provide insight and practical advice for how to successfully implement leadership development programs. 

The panelists will share how they approached implementing leadership development programs in their organizations – strategy, tactics, and lessons learned.

Attendees will learn from this practical discussion:

  • How business context sets the stage for successful leadership development programs – alignment to strategy.
  • Practical approaches to support leaders in gaining and applying new skills: - creative communications to pre-engage and maintain high engagement. - mix of modalities (including Generative AI solutions). - value generating action learning.
  • Simple methods for monitoring program impact.

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