What motivates today’s graduates?

January 14, 2019

Understanding the graduate millennial mindset

Being able to determine what makes a graduate the right “fit” for the role, team and organisation is vital if your graduate programme is to succeed.

And yet, if employers are to attract the right graduates to work for them, they need to understand what today’s graduates want.

Why employers need to think and act differently

In today’s labour market, candidates with in-demand skills have choices.

From quality candidates dropping out at application stage; to high turnover post-hire, organisations are under pressure as never before to find and retain the right graduate talent, and to do so quickly and cost-effectively.

To do so, it is vital to appreciate how graduates want to work; what motivates them; and how they want to be managed.

Today’s graduates are part of the millennial generation. And by 2025, millennials will comprise up to 75% of the workforce. In our whitepaper Understanding The Graduate Millennial Mindset, we identify what the needs, mindset, and expectations of today’s graduate population - and how by addressing them, organisations can ensure they attract and retain the right graduate talent before their competitors do.