This Week in Leadership

How to share power effectively and the human talent behind artificial intelligence, plus what great leaders and world-class tennis players have in common.

September 08, 2017

Power sharing with other bosses. A "small-step" approach to tackling huge problems. Plus, the common traits between great leaders and world-class tennis players. Read Korn Ferry’s take on recent news and its ties to leadership in our weekly summary of our stories and research.

'Dream' Testing

Controversy aside, ending the “Dreamers” immigrant program is akin to the “small-step” strategy managers often use.

Singapore Retrains Itself

Business-friendly Singapore wants to upgrade its entire workforce. Korn Ferry's CMO Mike Distefano reviews the effort.      

Getting Along—At the Top         

Emotional Intelligence guru Daniel Goleman on the skills leaders need to work well—with each other.     

Game. Set. Match.

Watch the US Open not just for the sport, but for behaviors high-performing business heads need.    

Why AI Needs Human Help

Smart organizations are already finding ways to blend human and robotic workforces together; the latest Korn Ferry white paper.