This Week in Leadership (Dec 13 - Dec 19)

The new surge in robots at the workplace. Plus, where have all the Great Resignation quitters gone?

December 16, 2021

How the pandemic and the Great Resignation have spurred a new surge in spending on robots. Speaking of the Great Resignation, where have all the "resigners" gone? Plus, the critical thing all leaders should be doing at the end of 2021. Here are some recent articles by Korn Ferry’s content team on leadership-related news.

Where Are All the ‘Resigners’ Going?

Turns out: not too far, our experts say, and that could be a problem for employers that aren’t focusing on retention.

The New Surge in Robots

A combination of COVID safety issues and the Great Resignation has convinced firms to automate        big time. But companies may be swapping one labor shortage for another.

4 Ways to Handle a Counteroffer

How to respond when the boss asks, “What will it take to keep you?“

What? No Food Delivery?

The $300 billion restaurant industry finds that a well-used but costly service is under siege.

Our Greetings of Grace

At the end of another challenging year, leaders should make sure to express their appreciation to their colleagues, says Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison.