April 23, 2021
Corporate America’s response to the verdict in the George Floyd case. Big Oil’s attempt to be Big Green. Plus, the best way to negotiate for a new job now that the hiring market is improving rapidly. Here are some recent articles by Korn Ferry's content team on leadership-related news.
The Verdict: A D&I Rallying Cry
The trial over George Floyd's killing has ended, but experts say it isn’t the time to stop diversity and inclusion efforts.
With the pace of the US economic recovery catching many firms off guard, job vacancies have soared 50% this year. How companies can land the best talent the fastest.
A Tipping Point for Sustainability?
Big Oil seeks a new income source: carbon storage.
5 Ways to Negotiate Your Post-Pandemic Job
Job seekers: Don’t miss out on negotiating for flex work, extra paid time off, and other perks.
‘Did Anyone Tell You How Great You Are Today?’
Leaders must recognize, value, and appreciate their employees, especially as many of them remain isolated, says Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison.
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