The Tone from the Top

Cultural leadership from the CEO was cited by business executives in Australia as the factor most likely to strengthen culture.

March 21, 2016

Korn Ferry, Australasia

Korn Ferry’s report, ‘The Tone from the Top – taking responsibility for corporate culture’ presents a series of interviews with CEOs and non-executive directors from some of Australia’s most respected organizations. They were asked to identify who has responsibility for culture, the role of the board, and how culture and strategy can align. The report shares their insights into what strengthens and derails culture.

The report also explores the relationship between strategy and culture and how fault lines can form in organisations that allow toxic sub cultures to flourish.

When culture is dramatically breached, the fall-out can be costly to the brand, the bottom line, the social license to operate – and the long-term health of the organisation. Leaders should not wait for a public breach of culture to identify and act on issues. Cultural work needs to be part of day-to-day business operations.

The Tone from the Top provides strategic and tactical advice for CEOs, chairmen, NEDs and executive teams. Investors, regulators and observers of how businesses are managed will benefit from the insights into corporate culture shared by these decision makers at the very top of leading organisations in Australia.

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