The Essentials: The Great Resignation

In one of 2021’s most baffling trends, a record number of workers quit their jobs. What has been the impact on firms? Plus, where are all the “resigners” going?

Before 2021 ends, American workers will have said “I quit” to their bosses more than 40 million times. That’s the highest number since the US government started keeping track of the stat in 2000 and likely ever. Workers at all levels are taking advantage of a confluence of events that have given them the most leverage in at least 70 years.

On the flip side, business leaders have been scrambling not only to hire new recruits but also to keep their current employees from joining the parade. But at least while unemployment stays low, experts say it’s going to take a lot more than the traditional incentive—more money—to keep more workers from looking at other options.

Korn Ferry experts recap what employees really want and the strategies companies can use to combat the Great Resignation.

The Great Resignation: ‘It’s Killing Companies’

With no signs of this year’s mass exit abating, some firms are turning to unconventional tactics to improve retention.

Where Are All the 'Resigners' Going?

Turns out: not too far, and that could be a problem for employers that aren’t focusing on retention.

What’s In It for Me?

The pandemic and a strong economy have shifted people’s demands and views about work in potentially lasting ways. How should leaders respond?

What Matters More: Wages or Purpose?

Best-selling author Daniel Goleman says companies that are trying to keep employees solely by giving them more cash are missing the point

The Great Resignation … by Remote Workers

Remote work options were supposed to keep employees engaged and loyal. The latest jobs data shows it isn’t quite working out that way.