The Essentials: Diversity and Inclusion

Will 2021 be the year when organizations make—and meet—commitments to hire and train people from underrepresented groups?

December 28, 2020

Since the killing of George Floyd and the ensuing protests, corporate America has promised an unprecedented amount of money and resources to combat racism. But Korn Ferry’s experts argue that promises and even resources aren’t enough. Executives may underestimate how much they will have to do to combat inequalities, even within their own organizations.

To help leaders make significant changes, Korn Ferry has gathered its best insights on diversity, inclusion, and eradicating systemic racism in the workplace.

Diversity in 2021: This Time We’re Serious

Companies have made promises before—and most have failed. How the new year can be different.

Time for the Power to ‘Fight the Power’

CEOs—and no one else—are ultimately the ones who can ensure that companies become more diverse and inclusive.

7 Ways Corporate Leaders Can Address D&I Right Now

Experts say CEOs and board directors have considerable power to make positive change.

Combating Racism, as a Lifestyle

Adopting an entirely new life approach may be the best way leaders can make the changes that need to be made, says Korn Ferry’s Andrés Tapia.

Hear Me: Stories from Black Executives

From being denied promotions to getting accosted at airports, Black Americans relay what happens to them that doesn’t to others … and what their hopes for the future are.

Being a True White Ally Against Racism

White CEOs are saying the right things now, but taking some key bold actions may make this moment stick, says Korn Ferry diversity and inclusion strategist Andrés Tapia.