CEOs and CHROs: Crucial allies and potential successors

CEOs and CHROs share a lot of personal traits and characteristics. How can this relationship be used to an organization’s best advantage?

October 29, 2014

For today’s CEO, marketing, operations, and financial acumen are only the table stakes for success. A CEO also must be able to build robust and resilient organizations. And for that, they need a key ally: Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs), executives who best know how to leverage talent, leadership, and culture.

Our analysis of the competencies, personal traits, and leadership styles of CEOs and CHROs reveals striking similarities between the two roles.

This suggests, first, that CHROs are a good fit to be a trusted coach for the CEO, and the architect of talent strategy to implement the CEO’s vision. And second, that the CHRO should get a closer look when it comes time to put together the CEO succession slate.

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