A New Deal for the Future of Work

There's a revolution happening, and leading organisations are responding to what their workforce - current and future - wants.




April 22, 2019

From Reward to the Employee Experience.

There's a revolution happening, and leading organisations are responding to what their workforce - current and future - wants. They're creating a New Deal for the Future of Work.

There's no escaping the facts: work is changing. The 'deal' that sustained the traditional world of work is broken. As a result, companies must adopt a more agile approach to how they shape and promote their employee experiences. Companies must be able to create a compelling offering that gives employees a sustainable competitive edge in the talent market.

Download this paper to explore:

  • The insights we drew from interviewing 70 leading organisations on the topic.
  • The five key challenges to help you assess where your organisation currently stands.
  • The framework we developed which can help your organisation pinpoint emerging reward approaches that are most relevant to you.
  • The three important steps you can take towards offering your workforce a more effective 'New Deal'.

Download Report