The Readiness Linchpin: Closing the gap between potential and ready-to-promote

When it comes to succession planning, high-potential doesn't always mean ready to promote. Readiness assessments can help determine which talent

January 06, 2014

Too often, when a pivotal job opens up, organizations look toward their talent bench, and it appears somehow … shorter than expected. There might be people suited up, but few who are truly ready to get into the game.

The problem is that organizations overlook readiness—the crucial stage between high-potential identification and actual promotion. While high-potential programs pinpoint talent that will bloom with time, a “ready” candidate has already grown into the bigger role by acquiring the experiences and competencies required.

Readiness, like potential, can be measured through a combination of interviews and assessments including high-stakes leadership simulations. Simulations, in particular, are a reliable way to surface any shortcomings before putting someone into a mission-critical job. 

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