The Agile CMO: Learning Agility gives an edge to marketing executives who now operate in a world of constant change

Learning Agility gives an edge to marketing executives who now operate in a world of constant change

September 09, 2013

Marketing lies at the intersection of many forces of change -- digital and mobile connectivity, big data, social media, emerging global markets, new customer demands, and competition from start-ups are disrupting business and posing new challenges for marketers daily. In this dynamic environment, marketers increasingly are charged with driving enterprise-wide transformation and creating measurable value. To successfully lead change during such volatile conditions — not just respond and react — CMOs and other senior marketing executives must have cutting-edge skills.

Learning Agility—the ability to garner insight from experience and apply it to new situations—is a trait that distinguishes best-in-class marketing executives. Two facets in particular, Mental Agility and Change Agility, stand out as differentiators, enabling CMOs to take advantage of new technologies and data, capture new markets, and lead enterprise-wide transformation efforts. CMOs can not only assess and interview for Learning Agility when hiring, but also develop this crucial attribute on their teams.

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