Vectors theory details the reasons employee engagement often remains low even as workplace diversity and inclusion efforts are on the rise.

July 15, 2013

Even as workplace diversity is on the rise, many organizations struggle with a lack of inclusion. These largely self-inflicted organizational wounds are generally caused by some form of bias, pro or con, conscious or unconscious. The cost is not just to the individual, but also to the entire organization: the energy sapped by headwinds should instead be flowing into productivity, engagement, innovation, and exceeding customers’ expectations.

Korn/Ferry's Vectors™ Theory provides business leaders with a way to identify specific forms of bias--called "headwinds"--and articulate how to eliminate them to frontline managers and employees in a constructive and enduring way. In addition, this problem-solving framework: 

  • Enables employees to discuss the headwinds they face without “isms” (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.), thus avoiding putting managers on the defensive.
  • Provides managers with a guide to identify, discuss, and eliminate such headwinds without putting the organization at legal risk.
  • Distinguishes between true performance issues and headwind-related impediments to success.
  • Provides managers with a guide to identify, discuss, and problem solve obstacles to engagement with each employee.

Breaking through vectors to achieve higher levels of employee engagement includes an overview of the Vectors™ Theory and three case studies examining how particular headwinds might manifest and be remedied.

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