June 18, 2012
The Power of Inclusion: Unlock the Potential and Productivity of Your Workforce
By Michael Hyter and Judith Turnock.
In The Power of Inclusion, Michael Hyter (also author of The Power of Choice: Embracing Efficacy to Drive Your Career) and Judith Turnock make a business case for a new inclusive model of human resource development, driven by the demands of increasingly diverse workplaces and continuing expansion of the global economy.
This model demonstrates that people who succeed often acquire their talent because of the development attention they have received, and it shows how to create a culture of inclusion and development to unlock employee potential and productivity. The Power of Inclusion addresses common beliefs and behaviors that are barriers to true inclusion:
Most organizations believe that they are meritocracies, but that is a myth that masks the real situation of unequal opportunity that exists in most firms.
Exclusionary tendencies are built into leadership, management, and human resources practices that perpetuate unequal opportunity. Most companies "sort and select," with managers hiring others most like themselves, and focus training and development on those who are identified as high potential.
The authors' approach — developing talent in all employees and aligning human resource systems and senior leadership commitment with that goal — is a response to a business challenge facing corporate North America today. The patterns of exclusion and preference that limit human potential are universal; this book offers management insights for any corporate audience serious about maximizing productivity in the competitive global economy.
Chapter Overviews
The Power of Inclusion describes the strategic and operational shifts in processes that will create a culture of development, capable of unleashing the potential of your workforce. Building this new inclusive culture of development does not require inventing a whole new system of people management.
It just means shifting focus. Instead of concentrating development opportunities and support on a select few, we suggest companies give those same benefits to everyone.
The book is organized so that readers can go directly to the chapters that address their particular interest, perspective, expertise, or challenge.
Introduction: The Business Imperative
Chapter 1: Two Models of Development (Read a preview)
Chapter 2: Overcoming Barriers to Inclusive Development
Chapter 3: Managing Inclusion
Chapter 4: Strategic Leadership
Chapter 5: Aligning Human Resources with a Culture of Development
Chapter 6: Jumpstarting Inclusion: Establishing the Infrastructure
Chapter 7: Inclusion in the Global Economy
Chapter 8: Measuring Results
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