The 2006 North American VOICES® Norms: An Examination of Demographic Differences

The primary purpose of this report was to investigate whether any significant differences may exist among various demo-graphical groups with regard to the 2006 VOICES® norms.

April 09, 2012

The primary purpose of this report was to investigate whether any significant differences may exist among various demographical groups with regard to the 2006 VOICES® norms. In addition, the stability of these differences was contrasted with the last time those norms were analyzed in 2002. In total, approximately 2000 employees (i.e., learners) from 35 different organizations located throughout the United States and North America were included. The following four demographic categories were explored: (a) gender, (b) race, (c) job level, and (d) industry sector. Both the rated skills of these learners and the perceived importance of the 67 Lominger competencies were examined.

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