Tapping New Sources of Executive Outsourcing Talent

As outsourcing's global reach and implementation steadily expand, boosting the demand for outsourcing executives, outsourcing firms will need to consider candidates well outside the typical competitive landscape.

September 01, 2009

As outsourcing's global reach and implementation steadily expand, boosting the demand for outsourcing executives, outsourcing firms will need to consider candidates well outside the typical competitive landscape. Although the traditional companies remain a viable target for talent, new Korn/Ferry research suggests that key skills and capabilities can be acquired outside of the industry and then honed into productive outsourcing leadership competencies.

Entitled Tapping New Sources of Executive Outsourcing Talent, this paper seeks to equip outsourcing firms with a better understanding of what to look for, and where to look, when hiring outsourcing executives by comparing emerging scientific studies of the emotional profiles and thinking styles of successful outsourcing executives.

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