Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life, 2nd Edition

In this expanded second edition of Leadership From The Inside Out, author Kevin Cashman discusses the inextricable relationship personal and professional development.

September 05, 2008

In this expanded second edition of Leadership From The Inside Out, LeaderSource's Kevin Cashman, a best-selling author and industry thought leader, discusses the inextricable relationship personal and professional development. Kevin takes a practical approach to working with you to make breakthroughs on seven key areas of mastery to help you grow as a person and as a leader. This edition also includes an abundance of new research, case studies, tools and practices.

The original version -- which earned the spot of CEO-READ's #1 book for the year 2000 -- has become a centerpiece of many organizations' leadership acceleration programs.

View a sample chapter on: http://leadershipfromtheinsideout.com/

This book was published by an outside company, Berrett-Koehler Publishers. To place an order, visit www.800ceoread.com/cashman or call 1-800-CEO-READ.

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