It’s 'Why,' Not 'Where'

Companies that are overly focused on where employees work are looking backward, not toward the future, says Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison.

June 14, 2021

Gary Burnison is CEO of Korn Ferry and the author of Leadership U: Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve.

Everyone is trying to figure out the workplace these days. And it’s not about the where—it’s all about the why.

For employees, it’s about community and opportunity—how they can be part of something bigger than themselves—and receive the coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship they need to advance. For organizations, it’s about connectioncommitment, and culture—how things get done.

To be honest, my own thinking on this has evolved. Physical, virtual, hybrid—I used to have an old-school view. Earlier in my career, when I served a West Coast investment bank, I noticed that the CEO looked a bit disheveled by mid-afternoon. Then I discovered that the CEO routinely came in the office at 4am—and sometimes after his daily jog.

He came in two-and-a-half hours before the stock market opened because that was the way he liked to operate—including monitoring the overseas markets.

This mentality stayed with me. When I first joined Korn Ferry, I made it a habit to be in the office by six or six-thirty each morning. But today, my thinking has absolutely gone 180 degrees. It’s possible to be all-in, all the time without being physically present. After all, it’s not about activity; it’s about accomplishment.

Now, as we figure out what comes next, it’s time to unearth and eliminate outdated thinking. As Bryan Ackermann, managing partner of our firm’s Global Leadership and Professional Development practice, observed this week, “If companies are overly focused on location, they’re applying an old mentality to a new world.”

It’s like when we were in junior high and high school, and the day started in homeroom, where everybody had to be at a desk so attendance could be taken. Ironically, though, it was a positive experience back then and for one important reason. Homeroom wasn’t a class—it was a “horizontal community” of students who often were not in classes together the rest of the day.

Today, we need to make sure we have that “horizontal homeroom”—so that community and opportunity are omnipresent and available to everyone no matter where or how they work. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that applies to every organization—or even within an organization.

As we’re all discovering, there are people who want (and need) to continue working remotely—in fact, recent surveys have indicated that some of them might even quit if their employers aren’t flexible. Everywhere, the circuit breakers have been tripped. Now, it’s the big reset—including where and how we work.

Gregg Kvochak, our senior vice president of ginance, used to spend five hours a day commuting. Working remotely has given him back about 1,200 hours a year—that’s the equivalent to almost a half-year of vacation.

At the same time, there are people who view returning to the office as a long-awaited escape from isolation. I’m lonely…. I don’t feel connected…. We’ve all heard these comments. I remember speaking with someone several months ago who told me through tears how “my life is all in one room—I feel boxed in.”

As we move forward, it’s not either/or—today’s workplace is all about and.

For perspective, I’ve reached out across our firm. Sue Puncochar, out director of administration in Minneapolis, is going back to the office. This arrangement not only works for her personal schedule, but also helps her ensure that office space is ready and available for colleagues. As Sue told me, “For those who get fed by having that particular tangible, in-person experience—or seeing people in the hallway—it’s an important option.”

Another colleague, Jodi Fournier, who leads client service in North America, would rather keep working remotely, which allows her to avoid two hours of commuting each day and feel more balanced. “However, I do want the flexibility to work in-person and experience the sense of community,” Jodi told me.

The center of gravity is shifting, from a place of work to a location for collaboration. It’s headspace and heart space. The why will always point to the where. Here are some thoughts:

·  Words motivate, actions inspire. “Our people can work from anywhere”—that may be the message spoken. But if the tone, nonverbal cues, word choice, and actions convey a different meaning—for example, those who come in almost every day get recognized or advanced more than peers who work remotely—guess what people will pay attention to. “Leaders need to think about the many paradigms they have created about why, where, and how people work—especially beliefs around why people need to come to the office,” Simon Holland, our firm’s president of Consulting in EMEA, told me this week. “As with so many things—from flexible work arrangements to greater diversity and inclusion in the work environment—if old paradigms go unchecked, there is a greater risk of self-perpetuating outdated beliefs.” In other words, we need to say what we mean—and mean what we say. And it starts with the leader.

·  The importance of being SEEN. No matter why, how, or where they work, people need to be SEEN. That means: Self-awareness, starting with the leader; Empathy for others; Energizing people; and Never leaving anyone behind. We must see others equally—no matter where they are.

·  Mentoring—here, there, and everywhere. Mentoring, coaching, and sponsorship—each uniquely opens the door to new opportunities. As an executive shared with me recently, “Coaches speak to you; mentors speak with you; and sponsors speak for you.” In the past, people often found mentors, coaches, and sponsors among those they interacted with in person. But not anymore. “There has been a democratization of talent and leadership—connections can be made everywhere,” Jean-Marc Laouchez, president of the Korn Ferry Institute, told me this week. “I am now mentoring people in our firm who I’ve never met in my life—a group of 10 or 12 in Europe and the Middle East. In our coaching and mentoring, we can go very deep—even though we are not together.” This is the time not to ask why, but rather why not; to think not only in probability, but in possibility; to re-up on mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship—broadly and for everyone—here, there, and everywhere.

Employees yearn for community and opportunities—employers thirst for commitment and connection. Culture is the bridge—a bridge we all must walk, while never forgetting that where we are is not who we are. Indeed, the why will lead us to the where.