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The decision to partner with an assessment solutions partner should not be taken lightly. And it's understandable that people within your organization will have differing views about how to tackle the issue. After all, this is a decision that will have widespread ramifications.

Having stakeholders challenge whether you should take on an assessment solutions partner and then deciding who the right partner is to appoint is far from being a problem; it's part of a solid decision-making process and something that should be embraced as due diligence.

So, how do you overcome the misgivings of naysayers? How do you create a business case that starts your talent management and succession planning strategy, and the partnership driving it, on the right foot?

There tends to be a theme behind stakeholder concerns, usually around the pre-conceived difficulty in actioning assessment outcomes, and the accuracy and importance of these outcomes for succession planning purposes. This includes statements such as:

  • Getting a third party to perform assessments is a waste of time because they don't really understand our company culture.
  • It's too hard to know what to do with assessment reports.

We've heard these statements many times–so much, we've gotten good at addressing them. We’ve created our own matrix to empower you with the answers to some of the most common questions about employee assessment, together with comprehensive, compelling answers. Take a look and prepare yourself to address the questions that various stakeholders in your organization will surely be asking.

Download our matrix for addressing common stakeholder needs and interests.

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