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The fate of your organization hinges on the quality of its leadership. Many business leaders are concerned they don’t have the right skill sets for their company today—or for the future. In response, organizations are increasingly turning to development programs to enhance existing skill sets and mindsets and better prepare their staff for future leadership roles.

However, merely implementing a leadership development program often falls short of achieving these goals. Many programs skip key foundational steps, such as benchmarking and initial assessments. Others miss out on opportunities to fully leverage all of the insights gained during the assessment and development process.

So, what are the essential ingredients organizations might be missing when creating a leadership development strategy? Download the eBook to learn the five steps key to your Leadership Development strategy.

Read our eBook to find out:

  • The importance of defining what success looks like as a first step 
  • Ways to evaluate your people to uncover gaps in skill sets and mindsets  
  • How to leverage development for results today and preparation for the future

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