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Factor IV: Self

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J. Being authentic

10. Courage


Title: “Man’s search for meaning”

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

Publisher: Beacon Press

Publish Date: 1946

Description: Viktor Frankl recounts his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, exploring the human capacity to find meaning in even the most challenging and dehumanizing circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Frankl’s story is a testament to the Courage it takes to endure extreme hardship and to find purpose even in the face of immense suffering.


36. Instills trust


Title: “Dare to lead: Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.”

Author: Brené Brown

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Brené Brown explores the qualities and skills that make effective leaders. Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and courage in leadership and provides practical guidance for aspiring leaders.

Competencies addressed: Trust is a critical component of leadership, and Brown’s principles can help leaders build and instill trust within their teams.


Title: “The thin book of trust: An essential primer for building trust at work”

Author: Charles Feltman

Publisher: Thin Book Publishing

Publish Date: 2021

Description: Feltman delves into the fundamental concept of trust in the workplace and provides practical advice on how to build and maintain trust within teams and organizations.

Competencies addressed: Building and maintaining trust is the essence of the book.


Title: “The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Pocket

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Covey explores the impact of trust on personal and professional relationships, emphasizing its role in accelerating progress and achieving goals.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the competency of instilling trust in relationships.


Title: “Trust and inspire: How truly great leaders unleash greatness in others”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publish Date: 2022

Description: Following up on “The Speed of Trust,” Covey continues the exploration of trust and its impact on leadership and relationships, providing additional insights and strategies.

Competencies addressed: The book offers strategies for building trust in leadership and relationships.


K. Being open

29. Demonstrates self-awareness


Title: “The elephant in the brain: Hidden motives in everyday life”

Authors: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson explore hidden motives in human behavior, shedding light on the underlying reasons behind our actions. They argue that much of our behavior is driven by self-interest, even when we may not consciously acknowledge it.

Competencies addressed: The book encourages self-awareness by prompting readers to reflect on their own motivations and behaviors.


Title: “Dare to lead: Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.”

Author: Brené Brown

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Brené Brown explores the qualities and skills that make effective leaders. Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and courage in leadership and provides practical guidance for aspiring leaders.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership requires self-awareness, and “Dare to Lead” encourages leaders to reflect on their own strengths and areas for growth.


Title: “Thinking, fast and slow”

Author: Daniel Kahneman

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Publish Date: 2013

Description: Daniel Kahneman explores the two systems of thinking that drive human decision-making: fast, intuitive thinking (System 1) and slow, deliberate thinking (System 2). Kahneman delves into cognitive biases and the ways our thinking can be influenced.

Competencies addressed: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” prompts readers to reflect on their own thinking patterns, fostering self-awareness.


Title: “How to fail: Everything I’ve ever learned from things going wrong”

Author: Elizabeth Day

Publisher: Fourth Estate

Publish Date: 2020

Description: Expanding on her popular podcast, Elizabeth Day explores the concept of failure and its role in personal growth and success. Day shares interviews and stories about learning from setbacks.

Competencies addressed: Understanding one’s own response to failure and how it can be improved fosters self-awareness.


Title: “Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2017

Description: Kevin Cashman identifies key mastery areas that form the foundation for effective leadership.

Competencies addressed: Developing self-awareness is a central theme, as it is critical for effective leadership.


Title: “The pause principle: Step back to lead forward”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Kevin Cashman explores the concept of taking intentional pauses in leadership to reflect, refocus, and lead more effectively. Cashman provides guidance on how leaders can implement this principle.

Competencies addressed: Intentional pauses promote self-awareness by allowing leaders to evaluate their actions and decisions.


Title: “Gravitas: Communicate with confidence, influence and authority”

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Vermilion

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Caroline Goyder explores the concept of personal presence and how to exude confidence, influence, and authority in both personal and professional settings. Goyder provides practical guidance on how to develop gravitas.

Competencies addressed: Goyder’s book encourages self-awareness in terms of how one presents themselves and how it impacts their effectiveness.


Title: “Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges”

Author: Amy Cuddy

Publisher: Little, Brown Spark

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Amy Cuddy explores the power of body language and non-verbal communication in shaping one’s presence, confidence, and impact. Cuddy provides actionable advice on how to harness the power of presence.

Competencies addressed: Developing presence involves awareness of one’s own body language and how it influences interactions.


Title: “The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the importance of psychological safety in the workplace for attracting quality talent, encouraging new ideas and equipping teams to tackle new challenges. Edmondson provides insights on creating such an environment.

Competencies addressed: Leaders and team members must be aware of their role in creating psychological safety, which the book emphasizes.


Title: “Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the concept of teaming, which involves fluid collaboration and learning across organizational boundaries. Edmondson provides insights into how organizations can thrive in the knowledge economy through effective teaming.

Competencies addressed: Understanding one’s role in teaming and how to contribute effectively requires self-awareness.


Title: “Emotional agility: Get unstuck, embrace change, and thrive in work and life”

Author: Susan David

Publisher: Avery

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Susan David explores the concept of emotional intelligence and agility, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions effectively.

Competencies addressed: Emotional agility is closely tied to awareness of one’s emotions and reactions.


Title: “Power: A user’s guide”

Author: Julie Diamond

Publisher: Belly Song Press

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Julie Diamond explores how individuals can navigate and use power effectively, ethically, and authentically in various contexts, including in professional relationships.

Competencies addressed: Understanding one’s own relationship with power is a key aspect of self-awareness.


Title: “Mindset: The new psychology of success”

Author: Carol S. Dweck

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Publish Date: 2007

Description: “Mindset” explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets, sharing how one’s beliefs and attitudes about their abilities can impact their success and personal growth.

Competencies addressed: Understanding one’s mindset is a key aspect of self-awareness.


Title: “Survival of the savvy: High-integrity political tactics for career and company success”

Authors: Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman

Publisher: Free Press

Publish Date: 2004

Description: The authors explore the dynamics of workplace politics and provide strategies for navigating these dynamics with integrity.

Competencies addressed: Navigating workplace politics often involves self-awareness and self-management.


Title: “The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Pocket

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Covey explores the impact of trust on personal and professional relationships, emphasizing its role in accelerating progress and achieving goals.

Competencies addressed: Building and maintaining trust often involves awareness of one’s actions and behaviors.


Title: “Trust and inspire: How truly great leaders unleash greatness in others”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publish Date: 2022

Description: Following up on “The Speed of Trust,” Covey continues the exploration of trust and its impact on leadership and relationships, providing additional insights and strategies.

Competencies addressed: Building trust requires being aware of one’s actions and behaviors in relationships.


Title: “Resilience that works: Eight practices for leadership and life”

Authors: Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Clerkin, Katya C. Fernandez

Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership

Publish Date: 2022

Description: The authors explore practices for building resilience in both leadership and personal life, offering strategies for overcoming challenges.

Competencies addressed: Building resilience involves self-awareness and self-management.


Title: “Happiness at work: Be resilient, motivated, and successful—No matter what”

Author: Srikumar Rao

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: The author explores strategies for creating joy and resilience in the workplace, contributing to personal and professional success.

Competencies addressed: Finding happiness at work involves self-awareness.


30. Self-development


Title: “Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other bribes”

Author: Alfie Kohn

Publisher: Mariner Books

Publish Date: 1999

Description: Alfie Kohn challenges the conventional wisdom of using rewards and incentives as motivators, both in education and the workplace. Kohn argues that these extrinsic motivators can have detrimental effects on intrinsic motivation and creativity.

Competencies addressed: Kohn’s perspective on motivation encourages Self-Development by challenging individuals to explore alternative approaches to motivation and reward.


Title: “Man’s search for meaning”

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

Publisher: Beacon Press

Publish Date: 1946

Description: Viktor Frankl recounts his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, exploring the human capacity to find meaning in even the most challenging and dehumanizing circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Frankl prompts readers to reflect on their own values and what gives their life meaning, encouraging Self-Development.


Title: “Thinking, fast and slow”

Author: Daniel Kahneman

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Publish Date: 2013

Description: Daniel Kahneman explores the two systems of thinking that drive human decision-making: fast, intuitive thinking (System 1) and slow, deliberate thinking (System 2). Kahneman delves into cognitive biases and the ways our thinking can be influenced.

Competencies addressed: Kahneman’s exploration of cognitive biases promotes Self-Development by encouraging readers to evaluate their own thought processes.


Title: "Who moved my cheese?”

Author: Spencer Johnson

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Publish Date: 1998

Description: This popular motivational business fable explores change and adaptation. The story revolves around characters dealing with change in their environment and their varying responses to it.

Competencies addressed: The book prompts readers to reflect on their responses to change and how they can personally develop in the face of uncertainty.


Title: “How to fail: Everything I’ve ever learned from things going wrong”

Author: Elizabeth Day

Publisher: Fourth Estate

Publish Date: 2020

Description: Expanding on her popular podcast, Elizabeth Day explores the concept of failure and its role in personal growth and success. Day shares interviews and stories about learning from setbacks.

Competencies addressed: The book encourages Self-Development by examining the lessons and growth that can come from failure.


Title: “Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2017

Description: Kevin Cashman identifies key mastery areas that form the foundation for effective leadership.

Competencies addressed: The book puts Self-Development at the core of effective leadership.


Title: “The pause principle: Step back to lead forward”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Kevin Cashman explores the concept of taking intentional pauses in leadership to reflect, refocus, and lead more effectively. Cashman provides guidance on how leaders can implement this principle.

Competencies addressed: The book encourages leaders to pause and reflect, contributing to personal growth and development.


Title: “Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the concept of teaming, which involves fluid collaboration and learning across organizational boundaries. Edmondson provides insights into how organizations can thrive in the knowledge economy through effective teaming.

Competencies addressed: Edmondson’s insights into teaming encourage personal and professional development.


Title: “The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma”

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

Publisher: Penguin Books

Publish Date: 2015

Description: The author shows the science behind how different kinds of trauma can affect the brain and body. The book offers insights into ways to activate the brain’s neuroplasticity for healing and recovery.

Competencies addressed: Trauma healing often involves personal growth and development.


Title: “Mindset: The new psychology of success”

Author: Carol S. Dweck

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Publish Date: 2007

Description: “Mindset” explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets, sharing how one’s beliefs and attitudes about their abilities can impact their success and personal growth.

Competencies addressed: Understanding one’s mindset is a key aspect of self-awareness.


L. Being flexible and adaptable

3. Manages ambiguity


Title: “The paradox of choice: Why more is less”

Author: Barry Schwartz

Publisher: Ecco

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Barry Schwartz explores the consequences of having too many choices in our modern consumer-driven society. Schwartz argues that an abundance of choices can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction and provides insights into how to make decisions in a world of endless options.

Competencies addressed: The book encourages an approach of dealing with and prioritizing pieces of information.


Title: "Who moved my cheese?”

Author: Spencer Johnson

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Publish Date: 1998

Description: This popular motivational business fable explores change and adaptation. The story revolves around characters dealing with change in their environment and their varying responses to it.

Competencies addressed: The book encourages readers to adapt to change, enhancing the ability to manage ambiguity.


Title: “Resilient Leadership 2.0: Leading with calm, clarity, and conviction in anxious times”

Authors: Bob Duggan and Bridgette Theurer

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Publish Date: 2017

Description: The authors explore effective leadership in uncertain times, providing guidance on how to be a stable presence while responding boldly to challenges, building positive relationships, and inspiring team members.

Competencies addressed: Leading in uncertain times involves managing ambiguity effectively.


Title: “Resilience that works: Eight practices for leadership and life”

Authors: Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Clerkin, Katya C. Fernandez

Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership

Publish Date: 2022

Description: The authors explore practices for building resilience in both leadership and personal life, offering strategies for overcoming challenges.

Competencies addressed: Resilience is valuable in navigating ambiguous situations.


22. Nimble learning


26. Being resilient


Title: “The coddling of the American mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure”

Authors: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Publisher: Penguin Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt explore the challenges facing today’s younger generation and the potential consequences of a culture that prioritizes safety over free speech and intellectual exploration. They discuss the impact of well-intentioned but counterproductive ideas on education and personal development.

Competencies addressed: This book encourages resilience by examining the consequences of certain cultural and educational trends and inviting readers to evaluate their position and attitude toward them.


Title: “Man’s search for meaning”

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

Publisher: Beacon Press

Publish Date: 1946

Description: Viktor Frankl recounts his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, exploring the human capacity to find meaning in even the most challenging and dehumanizing circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Frankl’s book is a testament to human resilience and the ability to find meaning and purpose in adversity.


Title: "Who moved my cheese?”

Author: Spencer Johnson

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Publish Date: 1998

Description: This popular motivational business fable explores change and adaptation. The story revolves around characters dealing with change in their environment and their varying responses to it.

Competencies addressed: Dealing with change often requires resilience, which the book’s lessons can help develop.


Title: “Resilient Leadership 2.0: Leading with calm, clarity, and conviction in anxious times”

Authors: Bob Duggan and Bridgette Theurer

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Publish Date: 2017

Description: The authors explore effective leadership in uncertain times, providing guidance on how to be a stable presence while responding boldly to challenges, building positive relationships, and inspiring team members.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses resilience as a core competency for leaders in challenging situations.


Title: “The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma”

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

Publisher: Penguin Books

Publish Date: 2015

Description: The author shows the science behind how different kinds of trauma can affect the brain and body. The book offers insights into ways to activate the brain’s neuroplasticity for healing and recovery.

Competencies addressed: Understanding trauma can contribute to resilience, both personally and in supporting others.


Title: “Resilience that works: Eight practices for leadership and life”

Authors: Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Clerkin, Katya C. Fernandez

Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership

Publish Date: 2022

Description: The authors explore practices for building resilience in both leadership and personal life, offering strategies for overcoming challenges.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the competency of resilience.


Title: “Happiness at work: Be resilient, motivated, and successful—No matter what”

Author: Srikumar Rao

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: The author explores strategies for creating joy and resilience in the workplace, contributing to personal and professional success.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the competency of resilience in the workplace.


31. Situational adaptability


Title: "Who moved my cheese?”

Author: Spencer Johnson

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Publish Date: 1998

Description: This popular motivational business fable explores change and adaptation. The story revolves around characters dealing with change in their environment and their varying responses to it.

Competencies addressed: Understanding how to adapt to different situations and changes is a key theme in the book.


Title: “Thrive on pressure: Lead and succeed when times get tough”

Author: Graham Jones

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: Graham Jones explores the psychology of handling high-pressure situations effectively. Jones provides insights and strategies for individuals and teams to thrive in challenging circumstances.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the ability to adapt to high-pressure situations, enhancing this competency.