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Factor III: People

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G. Building collaborative relationships

6. Collaborates


Title: “So good they can’t ignore you: Why skills trump passion in the quest for work you love”

Author: Cal Newport

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Cal Newport challenges the conventional wisdom that suggests following your passion as a path to career success and satisfaction. Newport argues that cultivating rare and valuable skills is the key to finding fulfilling work and achieving long-term career success.

Competencies addressed: Understanding the importance of skills in one’s career can encourage collaboration as individuals seek to develop and leverage their competencies effectively.


Title: “The coddling of the American mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure”

Authors: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Publisher: Penguin Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt explore the challenges facing today’s younger generation and the potential consequences of a culture that prioritizes safety over free speech and intellectual exploration. They discuss the impact of well-intentioned but counterproductive ideas on education and personal development.

Competencies addressed: The book offers insights into the challenges individuals face in navigating cultural shifts, encouraging collaboration and teamwork.


Title: “The paradox of choice: Why more is less”

Author: Barry Schwartz

Publisher: Ecco

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Barry Schwartz explores the consequences of having too many choices in our modern consumer-driven society. Schwartz argues that an abundance of choices can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction and provides insights into how to make decisions in a world of endless options.

Competencies addressed: Recognizing the impact of choice overload can encourage collaboration in decision-making, as individuals seek collective solutions.


Title: “Dare to lead: Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.”

Author: Brené Brown

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Brené Brown explores the qualities and skills that make effective leaders. Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and courage in leadership and provides practical guidance for aspiring leaders.

Competencies addressed: The book promotes collaboration by emphasizing the importance of connection and open communication in leadership.


Title: “The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference”

Author: Malcolm Gladwell

Publisher: Back Bay Books

Publish Date: 2002

Description: Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of how ideas, trends, and behaviors can reach a tipping point and rapidly spread within society. Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to this effect.

Competencies addressed: Understanding the factors that contribute to the tipping point effect can encourage collaboration in the development and promotion of ideas and products.


Title: “Thrive on pressure: Lead and succeed when times get tough”

Author: Graham Jones

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: Graham Jones explores the psychology of handling high-pressure situations effectively. Jones provides insights and strategies for individuals and teams to thrive in challenging circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration is essential when working under pressure, and the book provides guidance in this area.


Title: “How to fail: Everything I’ve ever learned from things going wrong”

Author: Elizabeth Day

Publisher: Fourth Estate

Publish Date: 2020

Description: Expanding on her popular podcast, Elizabeth Day explores the concept of failure and its role in personal growth and success. Day shares interviews and stories about learning from setbacks.

Competencies addressed: Learning from failure often involves collaboration and teamwork, making this book relevant for this competency.


Title: “Senior leadership teams: What it takes to make them great”

Authors: Ruth Wageman, Debra Nunes, James Burruss, J. Richard Hackman

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: The authors focus on the dynamics and effectiveness of leadership teams within organizations, providing insights into how senior leadership teams can work cohesively and drive organizational success.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration within senior leadership teams is crucial, and the book explores this aspect in depth.


Title: “Gravitas: Communicate with confidence, influence and authority”

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Vermilion

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Caroline Goyder explores the concept of personal presence and how to exude confidence, influence, and authority in both personal and professional settings. Goyder provides practical guidance on how to develop gravitas.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration is influenced by personal presence, and “Gravitas” offers insights into this aspect.


Title: “Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges”

Author: Amy Cuddy

Publisher: Little, Brown Spark

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Amy Cuddy explores the power of body language and non-verbal communication in shaping one’s presence, confidence, and impact. Cuddy provides actionable advice on how to harness the power of presence.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration often requires a strong and confident presence, which the book aims to foster.


Title: “The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the importance of psychological safety in the workplace for attracting quality talent, encouraging new ideas and equipping teams to tackle new challenges. Edmondson provides insights on creating such an environment.

Competencies addressed: Psychological safety is essential for effective collaboration, making it a central competency addressed in the book.


Title: “Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the concept of teaming, which involves fluid collaboration and learning across organizational boundaries. Edmondson provides insights into how organizations can thrive in the knowledge economy through effective teaming.

Competencies addressed: The book centers on collaboration and effective teamwork across organizational boundaries.


Title: “The 5 Disciplines of inclusive leaders: Unleashing the power of all of us”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Alina Polonskaia

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The authors explore the concept of inclusive leadership and how it can harness the collective power of diverse teams. The book provides actionable insights for leaders aiming to create more inclusive and diverse environments.

Competencies addressed: Inclusive leadership is closely tied to effective collaboration among diverse teams.


Title: “The thin book of trust: An essential primer for building trust at work”

Author: Charles Feltman

Publisher: Thin Book Publishing

Publish Date: 2021

Description: Feltman delves into the fundamental concept of trust in the workplace and provides practical advice on how to build and maintain trust within teams and organizations.

Competencies addressed: Trust is a foundational element of effective collaboration.


Title: “Theory U: Leading from the future as it emerges”

Author: C. Otto Scharmer

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2009

Description: “Theory U” explores how being more aware and more present (what Scharmer calls “presencing”) can open up new possibilities for the future. The book provides insights into transformative leadership.

Competencies addressed: Collaborative and transformative leadership often go hand in hand.


Title: “Power: A user’s guide”

Author: Julie Diamond

Publisher: Belly Song Press

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Julie Diamond explores how individuals can navigate and use power effectively, ethically, and authentically in various contexts, including in professional relationships.

Competencies addressed: Navigating power dynamics often requires effective collaboration and interpersonal skills.


Title: “Between us: How cultures create emotions”

Author: Batja Mesquita

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Publish Date: 2022

Description: “Between Us” explores the cultural aspects of emotions and how different cultures shape and influence emotional experiences and expressions.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration across cultures often requires understanding and navigating diverse emotional contexts.


Title: “Made to stick: Why some ideas survive and others die”

Authors: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2007

Description: The authors explore the factors that make ideas memorable and impactful. They provide insights into crafting messages and ideas that resonate and endure.

Competencies addressed: Effective collaboration often hinges on clear and memorable communication.


Title: “Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity”

Author: Kim Scott

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Kim Scott explores the concept of candid and compassionate communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of giving and receiving feedback effectively.

Competencies addressed: Open and honest communication is essential for effective collaboration.


Title: “Collective genius: The art and practice of leading innovation”

Authors: Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineback

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2014

Description: The authors explore the leadership practices that foster innovation within organizations. They provide insights into leading creative and innovative teams.

Competencies addressed: Collaboration is essential for innovation, and the book offers insights into this aspect.


Title: “Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration”

Author: Ed Catmull

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2014

Description: “Creativity, Inc.” offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative and innovative culture at Pixar Animation Studios. Ed Catmull shares lessons on fostering creativity and managing teams in a creative environment.

Competencies addressed: Collaboration is key in creative industries, and the book explores this aspect.


Title: “Talent on demand: Managing talent in an age of uncertainty”

Author: Peter Cappelli

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Cappelli examines the challenges and strategies related to talent management in the modern workplace. The author provides insights into sourcing and managing talent effectively.

Competencies addressed: Managing talent often involves collaboration between HR and leadership.


Title: “HBR guide to better business writing”

Author: Bryan A. Garner

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2013

Description: This book offers practical advice and techniques for improving written communication in the business context, emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging writing.

Competencies addressed: Clear written communication is essential for effective collaboration.


Title: “Simply said: Communicating better at work and beyond”

Author: Jay Sullivan

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2016

Description: The author provides practical guidance on effective communication, both in the workplace and in personal interactions, focusing on clarity and impact.

Competencies addressed: Clear and impactful communication enhances collaboration.


Title: “The 360 Degree leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization”

Author: John C. Maxwell

Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Maxwell explores leadership from any position within an organization, offering insights into developing influence and leadership skills.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership from any level often involves collaboration with colleagues at all levels.


Title: “Survival of the savvy: High-integrity political tactics for career and company success”

Authors: Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman

Publisher: Free Press

Publish Date: 2004

Description: The authors explore the dynamics of workplace politics and provide strategies for navigating these dynamics with integrity.

Competencies addressed: Understanding workplace politics is essential for effective collaboration.


Title: “Influence: The psychology of persuasion” (New and Expanded edition)

Author: Robert B. Cialdini

Publisher: Harper Business

Publish Date: 2021

Description: The author explores the psychology behind persuasion and the principles that drive human behavior in decision-making.

Competencies addressed: Understanding human behavior and influence is valuable in collaboration.


Title: “The vision driven leader: 10 Questions to focus your efforts, energize your team, and scale”

Author: Michael Hyatt

Publisher: Baker Books

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The book explores the importance of having a clear vision and provides guidance on leadership strategies to align teams and organizations with that vision.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership often involves collaboration to achieve a shared vision.


Title: “The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Pocket

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Covey explores the impact of trust on personal and professional relationships, emphasizing its role in accelerating progress and achieving goals.

Competencies addressed: Trust is fundamental to effective collaboration.


Title: “Trust and inspire: How truly great leaders unleash greatness in others”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publish Date: 2022

Description: Following up on “The Speed of Trust,” Covey continues the exploration of trust and its impact on leadership and relationships, providing additional insights and strategies.

Competencies addressed: The book emphasizes that trust and effective collaboration fuel each other.


Title: “Happiness at work: Be resilient, motivated, and successful—No matter what”

Author: Srikumar Rao

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: The author explores strategies for creating joy and resilience in the workplace, contributing to personal and professional success.

Competencies addressed: Positive workplace culture contributes to effective collaboration.


Title: “The 5 disciplines of inclusive organizations: How diverse and equitable enterprises will transform the world”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Fayruz Kirtzman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2023

Description: The authors explore strategies for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizational structures, including the practices, processes, and systems that influence individual behaviors.

Competencies addressed: Building inclusive organizations requires collaboration.


9. Manages conflict


Title: “The thin book of trust: An essential primer for building trust at work”

Author: Charles Feltman

Publisher: Thin Book Publishing

Publish Date: 2021

Description: Feltman delves into the fundamental concept of trust in the workplace and provides practical advice on how to build and maintain trust within teams and organizations.

Competencies addressed: Trust plays a significant role in conflict resolution.


Title: “Emotional agility: Get unstuck, embrace change, and thrive in work and life”

Author: Susan David

Publisher: Avery

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Susan David explores the concept of emotional intelligence and agility, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions effectively.

Competencies addressed: Understanding and managing emotions can contribute to more effective conflict resolution.


Title: “Power: A user’s guide”

Author: Julie Diamond

Publisher: Belly Song Press

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Julie Diamond explores how individuals can navigate and use power effectively, ethically, and authentically in various contexts, including in professional relationships.

Competencies addressed: Effective management of power dynamics can contribute to better conflict resolution.


Title: “The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma”

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

Publisher: Penguin Books

Publish Date: 2015

Description: The author shows the science behind how different kinds of trauma can affect the brain and body. The book offers insights into ways to activate the brain’s neuroplasticity for healing and recovery.

Competencies addressed: Approaches used in addressing trauma can be useful in conflict resolution.


Title: “Survival of the savvy: High-integrity political tactics for career and company success”

Authors: Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman

Publisher: Free Press

Publish Date: 2004

Description: The authors explore the dynamics of workplace politics and provide strategies for navigating these dynamics with integrity.

Competencies addressed: Addressing conflicts related to workplace politics is a relevant aspect of this book.


Title: “The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Pocket

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Covey explores the impact of trust on personal and professional relationships, emphasizing its role in accelerating progress and achieving goals.

Competencies addressed: Trust can contribute to better conflict resolution.


Title: “Trust and inspire: How truly great leaders unleash greatness in others”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publish Date: 2022

Description: Following up on “The Speed of Trust,” Covey continues the exploration of trust and its impact on leadership and relationships, providing additional insights and strategies.

Competencies addressed: Applying the principles in the book can help with managing conflict effectively.


20. Interpersonal savvy


Title: “Seeing what others don’t: The remarkable ways we gain insights”

Author: Gary Klein

Publisher: PublicAffairs

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Gary Klein explores the process of gaining insight and how it can lead to breakthroughs and problem-solving in various aspects of life. Klein delves into the psychology behind making insightful decisions and offers practical advice on how to enhance your ability to see what others might miss.

Competencies addressed: The book offers insights into how to navigate complex social and educational environments, fostering Interpersonal Savvy.


Title: “The coddling of the American mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure”

Authors: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Publisher: Penguin Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt explore the challenges facing today’s younger generation and the potential consequences of a culture that prioritizes safety over free speech and intellectual exploration. They discuss the impact of well-intentioned but counterproductive ideas on education and personal development.

Competencies addressed: It offers insights into how to navigate complex social and educational environments, fostering interpersonal savvy.


Title: “The paradox of choice: Why more is less”

Author: Barry Schwartz

Publisher: Ecco

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Barry Schwartz explores the consequences of having too many choices in our modern consumer-driven society. Schwartz argues that an abundance of choices can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction and provides insights into how to make decisions in a world of endless options.

Competencies addressed: The book offers insights into the challenges individuals face in making choices and can foster empathy and understanding in interpersonal interactions.


Title: “Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other bribes”

Author: Alfie Kohn

Publisher: Mariner Books

Publish Date: 1999

Description: Alfie Kohn challenges the conventional wisdom of using rewards and incentives as motivators, both in education and the workplace. Kohn argues that these extrinsic motivators can have detrimental effects on intrinsic motivation and creativity.

Competencies addressed: Understanding the dynamics of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can foster better interpersonal interactions, especially in educational and leadership roles.


Title: “The elephant in the brain: Hidden motives in everyday life”

Authors: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson explore hidden motives in human behavior, shedding light on the underlying reasons behind our actions. They argue that much of our behavior is driven by self-interest, even when we may not consciously acknowledge it.

Competencies addressed: Recognizing hidden motives can improve interpersonal interactions by fostering empathy and better understanding of others’ actions.


Title: “How to fail: Everything I’ve ever learned from things going wrong”

Author: Elizabeth Day

Publisher: Fourth Estate

Publish Date: 2020

Description: Expanding on her popular podcast, Elizabeth Day explores the concept of failure and its role in personal growth and success. Day shares interviews and stories about learning from setbacks.

Competencies addressed: Understanding and empathizing with others who have faced failure can enhance interpersonal skills.


Title: “Gravitas: Communicate with confidence, influence and authority”

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Vermilion

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Caroline Goyder explores the concept of personal presence and how to exude confidence, influence, and authority in both personal and professional settings. Goyder provides practical guidance on how to develop gravitas.

Competencies addressed: Building personal presence often involves improving interpersonal skills and communication.


Title: “Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges”

Author: Amy Cuddy

Publisher: Little, Brown Spark

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Amy Cuddy explores the power of body language and non-verbal communication in shaping one’s presence, confidence, and impact. Cuddy provides actionable advice on how to harness the power of presence.

Competencies addressed: Understanding and effectively using body language and non-verbal communication are central to Interpersonal Savvy.


Title: “Emotional agility: Get unstuck, embrace change, and thrive in work and life”

Author: Susan David

Publisher: Avery

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Susan David explores the concept of emotional intelligence and agility, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions effectively.

Competencies addressed: Effective emotional intelligence enhances interpersonal relationships.


Title: “The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma”

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

Publisher: Penguin Books

Publish Date: 2015

Description: The author shows the science behind how different kinds of trauma can affect the brain and body. The book offers insights into ways to activate the brain’s neuroplasticity for healing and recovery.

Competencies addressed: Understanding trauma can enhance interpersonal skills, particularly in providing support to others.


Title: “Between us: How cultures create emotions”

Author: Batja Mesquita

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Publish Date: 2022

Description: “Between Us” explores the cultural aspects of emotions and how different cultures shape and influence emotional experiences and expressions.

Competencies addressed: Understanding cultural influences on emotions can improve interpersonal skills.


Title: “Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity”

Author: Kim Scott

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Kim Scott explores the concept of candid and compassionate communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of giving and receiving feedback effectively.

Competencies addressed: Candid communication requires strong interpersonal skills.


Title: “HBR guide to better business writing”

Author: Bryan A. Garner

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2013

Description: This book offers practical advice and techniques for improving written communication in the business context, emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging writing.

Competencies addressed: Effective business writing often involves interpersonal skills in conveying messages.


Title: “Simply said: Communicating better at work and beyond”

Author: Jay Sullivan

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2016

Description: The author provides practical guidance on effective communication, both in the workplace and in personal interactions, focusing on clarity and impact.

Competencies addressed: Effective communication often involves strong interpersonal skills.


Title: “Survival of the savvy: High-integrity political tactics for career and company success”

Authors: Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman

Publisher: Free Press

Publish Date: 2004

Description: The authors explore the dynamics of workplace politics and provide strategies for navigating these dynamics with integrity.

Competencies addressed: Effectively managing workplace politics requires strong interpersonal skills.


21. Builds networks


Title: “The 360 Degree leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization”

Author: John C. Maxwell

Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Maxwell explores leadership from any position within an organization, offering insights into developing influence and leadership skills.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the competency of influencing others in various directions around the organization.


Title: “Survival of the savvy: High-integrity political tactics for career and company success”

Authors: Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman

Publisher: Free Press

Publish Date: 2004

Description: The authors explore the dynamics of workplace politics and provide strategies for navigating these dynamics with integrity.

Competencies addressed: Navigating workplace politics can involve influencing others to achieve goals.


Title: “The vision driven leader: 10 Questions to focus your efforts, energize your team, and scale”

Author: Michael Hyatt

Publisher: Baker Books

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The book explores the importance of having a clear vision and provides guidance on leadership strategies to align teams and organizations with that vision.

Competencies addressed: Making progress on a vision often requires building and influencing one’s network.


H. Optimizing diverse talent

4. Attracts top talent


13. Develops talent


Title: “Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity”

Author: Kim Scott

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Kim Scott explores the concept of candid and compassionate communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of giving and receiving feedback effectively.

Competencies addressed: Providing candid feedback contributes to talent development.


Title: “Talent on demand: Managing talent in an age of uncertainty”

Author: Peter Cappelli

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Cappelli examines the challenges and strategies related to talent management in the modern workplace. The author provides insights into sourcing and managing talent effectively.

Competencies addressed: The book focuses on talent management and development, aligning with this competency.


Title: “The 360 Degree leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization”

Author: John C. Maxwell

Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Maxwell explores leadership from any position within an organization, offering insights into developing influence and leadership skills.

Competencies addressed: Leadership at all levels involves developing the talent and potential of others.


14. Values differences


Title: “The 5 Disciplines of inclusive leaders: Unleashing the power of all of us”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Alina Polonskaia

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The authors explore the concept of inclusive leadership and how it can harness the collective power of diverse teams. The book provides actionable insights for leaders aiming to create more inclusive and diverse environments.

Competencies addressed: Fostering inclusivity involves valuing and leveraging differences, aligning with this competency.


Title: “Between us: How cultures create emotions”

Author: Batja Mesquita

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Publish Date: 2022

Description: “Between Us” explores the cultural aspects of emotions and how different cultures shape and influence emotional experiences and expressions.

Competencies addressed: The book emphasizes the importance of valuing and respecting cultural differences.


Title: “The 5 disciplines of inclusive organizations: How diverse and equitable enterprises will transform the world”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Fayruz Kirtzman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2023

Description: The authors explore strategies for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizational structures, including the practices, processes, and systems that influence individual behaviors.

Competencies addressed: Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion aligns with valuing differences.


34. Builds effective teams


Title: “Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other bribes”

Author: Alfie Kohn

Publisher: Mariner Books

Publish Date: 1999

Description: Alfie Kohn challenges the conventional wisdom of using rewards and incentives as motivators, both in education and the workplace. Kohn argues that these extrinsic motivators can have detrimental effects on intrinsic motivation and creativity.

Competencies addressed: The book emphasizes the importance of collaborative and intrinsic motivation, which can lead to more effective team building.


Title: “Dare to lead: Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.”

Author: Brené Brown

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Brené Brown explores the qualities and skills that make effective leaders. Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and courage in leadership and provides practical guidance for aspiring leaders.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership is a key factor in building effective teams.


Title: “Senior leadership teams: What it takes to make them great”

Authors: Ruth Wageman, Debra Nunes, James Burruss, J. Richard Hackman

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: The authors focus on the dynamics and effectiveness of leadership teams within organizations, providing insights into how senior leadership teams can work cohesively and drive organizational success.

Competencies addressed: The book directly addresses the competency of building effective teams by providing guidance on senior leadership team dynamics.


Title: “The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the importance of psychological safety in the workplace for attracting quality talent, encouraging new ideas and equipping teams to tackle new challenges. Edmondson provides insights on creating such an environment.

Competencies addressed: Psychological safety is a foundational element for building effective teams.


Title: “The thin book of trust: An essential primer for building trust at work”

Author: Charles Feltman

Publisher: Thin Book Publishing

Publish Date: 2021

Description: Feltman delves into the fundamental concept of trust in the workplace and provides practical advice on how to build and maintain trust within teams and organizations.

Competencies addressed: Trust is essential for building and leading effective teams.


Title: “Power: A user’s guide”

Author: Julie Diamond

Publisher: Belly Song Press

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Julie Diamond explores how individuals can navigate and use power effectively, ethically, and authentically in various contexts, including in professional relationships.

Competencies addressed: Power dynamics play a role in team dynamics, making the book useful for developing this competency.


Title: “Collective genius: The art and practice of leading innovation”

Authors: Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineback

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2014

Description: The authors explore the leadership practices that foster innovation within organizations. They provide insights into leading creative and innovative teams.

Competencies addressed: Fostering innovation often involves building and leading creative teams.


Title: “Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration”

Author: Ed Catmull

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2014

Description: “Creativity, Inc.” offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative and innovative culture at Pixar Animation Studios. Ed Catmull shares lessons on fostering creativity and managing teams in a creative environment.

Competencies addressed: Leading creative teams is a central theme, connected with this competency.


Title: “The 360 Degree leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization”

Author: John C. Maxwell

Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Maxwell explores leadership from any position within an organization, offering insights into developing influence and leadership skills.

Competencies addressed: The book discusses building and leading effective teams, a key aspect of leadership.


Title: “The vision driven leader: 10 Questions to focus your efforts, energize your team, and scale”

Author: Michael Hyatt

Publisher: Baker Books

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The book explores the importance of having a clear vision and provides guidance on leadership strategies to align teams and organizations with that vision.

Competencies addressed: The book includes insights on building and leading teams aligned with the vision.


I. Influencing people

7. Communicates effectively


Title: “Made to stick: Why some ideas survive and others die”

Authors: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2007

Description: The authors explore the factors that make ideas memorable and impactful. They provide insights into crafting messages and ideas that resonate and endure.

Competencies addressed: The book focuses on effective communication and crafting messages that stick.


Title: “Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity”

Author: Kim Scott

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Kim Scott explores the concept of candid and compassionate communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of giving and receiving feedback effectively.

Competencies addressed: The book focuses on improving communication skills, particularly in giving feedback.


Title: “HBR guide to better business writing”

Author: Bryan A. Garner

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2013

Description: This book offers practical advice and techniques for improving written communication in the business context, emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging writing.

Competencies addressed: The book focuses on enhancing business writing skills, aligning with effective communication.


Title: “Simply said: Communicating better at work and beyond”

Author: Jay Sullivan

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2016

Description: The author provides practical guidance on effective communication, both in the workplace and in personal interactions, focusing on clarity and impact.

Competencies addressed: The book emphasizes effective communication skills in various contexts.


16. Drives engagement


Title: “The elephant in the brain: Hidden motives in everyday life”

Authors: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson explore hidden motives in human behavior, shedding light on the underlying reasons behind our actions. They argue that much of our behavior is driven by self-interest, even when we may not consciously acknowledge it.

Competencies addressed: This book encourages critical thinking about engagement by prompting readers to examine their own motivations and the hidden factors that drive human behavior.


Title: “Dare to lead: Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.”

Author: Brené Brown

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Brené Brown explores the qualities and skills that make effective leaders. Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and courage in leadership and provides practical guidance for aspiring leaders.

Competencies addressed: Brown’s book encourages leaders to engage with their teams authentically, fostering a culture of trust and engagement.


Title: “The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the importance of psychological safety in the workplace for attracting quality talent, encouraging new ideas and equipping teams to tackle new challenges. Edmondson provides insights on creating such an environment.

Competencies addressed: A psychologically safe workplace contributes to higher engagement among employees.


Title: “The thin book of trust: An essential primer for building trust at work”

Author: Charles Feltman

Publisher: Thin Book Publishing

Publish Date: 2021

Description: Feltman delves into the fundamental concept of trust in the workplace and provides practical advice on how to build and maintain trust within teams and organizations.

Competencies addressed: High levels of trust often lead to higher employee engagement.


Title: “Emotional agility: Get unstuck, embrace change, and thrive in work and life”

Author: Susan David

Publisher: Avery

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Susan David explores the concept of emotional intelligence and agility, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions effectively.

Competencies addressed: Emotionally agile individuals often have higher levels of engagement.


Title: “Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity”

Author: Kim Scott

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Kim Scott explores the concept of candid and compassionate communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of giving and receiving feedback effectively.

Competencies addressed: Effective feedback and communication can enhance employee engagement.


23. Organizational savvy


24. Persuades


Title: “The elephant in the brain: Hidden motives in everyday life”

Authors: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Publish Date: 2018

Description: Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson explore hidden motives in human behavior, shedding light on the underlying reasons behind our actions. They argue that much of our behavior is driven by self-interest, even when we may not consciously acknowledge it.

Competencies addressed: Understanding the hidden motives behind behavior can enhance persuasive skills by allowing individuals to communicate more effectively and appeal to others’ underlying interests.


Title: “The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference”

Author: Malcolm Gladwell

Publisher: Back Bay Books

Publish Date: 2002

Description: Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of how ideas, trends, and behaviors can reach a tipping point and rapidly spread within society. Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to this effect.

Competencies addressed: By examining the factors that influence the adoption of ideas and trends, the book indirectly contributes to persuasive skills.


Title: “Gravitas: Communicate with confidence, influence and authority”

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Vermilion

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Caroline Goyder explores the concept of personal presence and how to exude confidence, influence, and authority in both personal and professional settings. Goyder provides practical guidance on how to develop gravitas.

Competencies addressed: The book focuses on enhancing one’s ability to persuade and influence.


Title: “Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges”

Author: Amy Cuddy

Publisher: Little, Brown Spark

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Amy Cuddy explores the power of body language and non-verbal communication in shaping one’s presence, confidence, and impact. Cuddy provides actionable advice on how to harness the power of presence.

Competencies addressed: The book helps readers enhance their persuasive skills through the effective use of presence.


Title: “Power: A user’s guide”

Author: Julie Diamond

Publisher: Belly Song Press

Publish Date: 2016

Description: Julie Diamond explores how individuals can navigate and use power effectively, ethically, and authentically in various contexts, including in professional relationships.

Competencies addressed: Understanding and using power effectively often involves persuasive skills.


Title: “Made to stick: Why some ideas survive and others die”

Authors: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2007

Description: The authors explore the factors that make ideas memorable and impactful. They provide insights into crafting messages and ideas that resonate and endure.

Competencies addressed: Crafting ideas that stick often involves persuasive skills.


Title: “HBR guide to better business writing”

Author: Bryan A. Garner

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2013

Description: This book offers practical advice and techniques for improving written communication in the business context, emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging writing.

Competencies addressed: Writing persuasively is a key aspect of business communication.


Title: “Simply said: Communicating better at work and beyond”

Author: Jay Sullivan

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2016

Description: The author provides practical guidance on effective communication, both in the workplace and in personal interactions, focusing on clarity and impact.

Competencies addressed: The book addresses persuasive communication.


Title: “Influence: The psychology of persuasion” (New and Expanded edition)

Author: Robert B. Cialdini

Publisher: Harper Business

Publish Date: 2021

Description: The author explores the psychology behind persuasion and the principles that drive human behavior in decision-making.

Competencies addressed: The book delves into the psychology of persuasion, enhancing this competency.


37. Drives vision and purpose


Title: “The 4-hour workweek: Escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich”

Author: Timothy Ferriss

Publisher: Ebury Press

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Timothy Ferriss challenges the traditional concept of work and life, advocating for a “new rich” lifestyle that includes time freedom and location independence. Ferriss provides strategies for achieving more with less and pursuing one’s passions.

Competencies addressed: Ferriss advocates for defining one’s vision and purpose, providing insights into how to drive them effectively.


Title: “Man’s search for meaning”

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

Publisher: Beacon Press

Publish Date: 1946

Description: Viktor Frankl recounts his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, exploring the human capacity to find meaning in even the most challenging and dehumanizing circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Frankl inspires readers to consider their own life’s purpose and how they can drive their vision and purpose even in difficult times.


Title: “Thinking, fast and slow”

Author: Daniel Kahneman

Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Publish Date: 2013

Description: Daniel Kahneman explores the two systems of thinking that drive human decision-making: fast, intuitive thinking (System 1) and slow, deliberate thinking (System 2). Kahneman delves into cognitive biases and the ways our thinking can be influenced.

Competencies addressed: By understanding how cognitive biases can influence decision-making, readers can drive their vision and purpose with greater clarity.


Title: “Homo deus: A brief history of tomorrow”

Author: Yuval Noah Harari

Publisher: Harper

Publish Date: 2017

Description: Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humanity in the age of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and data-driven decision-making. Harari discusses how these developments may shape the future of society and individuals.

Competencies addressed: The book challenges readers to contemplate the future of humanity and how they can contribute to shaping a meaningful vision and purpose in that context.


Title: “The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference”

Author: Malcolm Gladwell

Publisher: Back Bay Books

Publish Date: 2002

Description: Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of how ideas, trends, and behaviors can reach a tipping point and rapidly spread within society. Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to this effect.

Competencies addressed: “The Tipping Point” prompts readers to consider how they can contribute to the spread of ideas and trends that align with their vision and purpose.


Title: “How to fail: Everything I’ve ever learned from things going wrong”

Author: Elizabeth Day

Publisher: Fourth Estate

Publish Date: 2020

Description: Expanding on her popular podcast, Elizabeth Day explores the concept of failure and its role in personal growth and success. Day shares interviews and stories about learning from setbacks.

Competencies addressed: The book prompts readers to reflect on their own vision and purpose in the face of setbacks.


Title: “Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2017

Description: Kevin Cashman identifies key mastery areas that form the foundation for effective leadership.

Competencies addressed: Cashman emphasizes the importance of a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “The pause principle: Step back to lead forward”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Kevin Cashman explores the concept of taking intentional pauses in leadership to reflect, refocus, and lead more effectively. Cashman provides guidance on how leaders can implement this principle.

Competencies addressed: Implementing the pause principle can lead to more thoughtful alignment with a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “Senior leadership teams: What it takes to make them great”

Authors: Ruth Wageman, Debra Nunes, James Burruss, J. Richard Hackman

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: The authors focus on the dynamics and effectiveness of leadership teams within organizations, providing insights into how senior leadership teams can work cohesively and drive organizational success.

Competencies addressed: Effective senior leadership teams play a key role in driving the organization’s vision and purpose.


Title: “Gravitas: Communicate with confidence, influence and authority”

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Vermilion

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Caroline Goyder explores the concept of personal presence and how to exude confidence, influence, and authority in both personal and professional settings. Goyder provides practical guidance on how to develop gravitas.

Competencies addressed: Developing gravitas can help individuals drive their vision and purpose more effectively.


Title: “Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges”

Author: Amy Cuddy

Publisher: Little, Brown Spark

Publish Date: 2015

Description: Amy Cuddy explores the power of body language and non-verbal communication in shaping one’s presence, confidence, and impact. Cuddy provides actionable advice on how to harness the power of presence.

Competencies addressed: Improving one’s presence can contribute to better alignment with their vision and purpose.


Title: “Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate, and compete in the knowledge economy”

Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Publisher: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer

Publish Date: 2012

Description: Amy C. Edmondson explores the concept of teaming, which involves fluid collaboration and learning across organizational boundaries. Edmondson provides insights into how organizations can thrive in the knowledge economy through effective teaming.

Competencies addressed: Teaming aligns with driving the vision and purpose of organizations in a dynamic environment.


Title: “The 5 Disciplines of inclusive leaders: Unleashing the power of all of us”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Alina Polonskaia

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The authors explore the concept of inclusive leadership and how it can harness the collective power of diverse teams. The book provides actionable insights for leaders aiming to create more inclusive and diverse environments.

Competencies addressed: Inclusive leaders drive their vision and purpose by ensuring it resonates with a diverse group of individuals.


Title: “Resilient Leadership 2.0: Leading with calm, clarity, and conviction in anxious times”

Authors: Bob Duggan and Bridgette Theurer

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Publish Date: 2017

Description: The authors explore effective leadership in uncertain times, providing guidance on how to be a stable presence while responding boldly to challenges, building positive relationships, and inspiring team members.

Competencies addressed: The book emphasizes leading with conviction and aligning with a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “Theory U: Leading from the future as it emerges”

Author: C. Otto Scharmer

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2009

Description: “Theory U” explores how being more aware and more present (what Scharmer calls “presencing”) can open up new possibilities for the future. The book provides insights into transformative leadership.

Competencies addressed: The book aligns with driving a clear vision and purpose in a dynamic context.


Title: “Mindset: The new psychology of success”

Author: Carol S. Dweck

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Publish Date: 2007

Description: “Mindset” explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets, sharing how one’s beliefs and attitudes about their abilities can impact their success and personal growth.

Competencies addressed: A growth mindset can contribute to aligning with a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “Made to stick: Why some ideas survive and others die”

Authors: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2007

Description: The authors explore the factors that make ideas memorable and impactful. They provide insights into crafting messages and ideas that resonate and endure.

Competencies addressed: Effective communication of vision and purpose is central to the book’s message.


Title: “Collective genius: The art and practice of leading innovation”

Authors: Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineback

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2014

Description: The authors explore the leadership practices that foster innovation within organizations. They provide insights into leading creative and innovative teams.

Competencies addressed: Leading innovation aligns with driving a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration”

Author: Ed Catmull

Publisher: Random House

Publish Date: 2014

Description: “Creativity, Inc.” offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative and innovative culture at Pixar Animation Studios. Ed Catmull shares lessons on fostering creativity and managing teams in a creative environment.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership in creative endeavors aligns with driving a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “The 360 Degree leader: Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization”

Author: John C. Maxwell

Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Maxwell explores leadership from any position within an organization, offering insights into developing influence and leadership skills.

Competencies addressed: Leading from any position aligns with driving a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “Influence: The psychology of persuasion” (New and Expanded edition)

Author: Robert B. Cialdini

Publisher: Harper Business

Publish Date: 2021

Description: The author explores the psychology behind persuasion and the principles that drive human behavior in decision-making.

Competencies addressed: Effective persuasion often aligns with driving a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “The vision driven leader: 10 Questions to focus your efforts, energize your team, and scale”

Author: Michael Hyatt

Publisher: Baker Books

Publish Date: 2020

Description: The book explores the importance of having a clear vision and provides guidance on leadership strategies to align teams and organizations with that vision.

Competencies addressed: The book is centered on the competency of driving a clear vision and purpose.


Title: “The 5 disciplines of inclusive organizations: How diverse and equitable enterprises will transform the world”

Authors: Andres Tapia and Fayruz Kirtzman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2023

Description: The authors explore strategies for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizational structures, including the practices, processes, and systems that influence individual behaviors.

Competencies addressed: The book highlights how diversity, equity, and inclusion can drive progress on vision and purpose.