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Total rewards means much more than salary and incentives

Total rewards encompass everything of perceived value your organization offers to attract, retain, and engage employees. This includes financial rewards such as base salary, short term and long term incentives and benefits, and non-financial rewards such as meaningful work, career development opportunities, an energizing work culture, and recognition.  A strong total rewards program makes employees feel valued and motivated, driving behavior that supports business goals and shapes company culture.

Designing the right rewards program is challenging. The workforce is more diverse and demanding than ever, with increasing scrutiny on pay equity and transparency. The rise of new jobs without pay precedence, flatter organizational structures, and a growing contingent workforce makes role design, career pathing ,and compensation and engagement strategies more complex.

We design programs that attract, motivate, and retain talent while balancing business and employee needs. Our compensation and benefits data in over 150 countries helps you make informed reward decisions, while our benchmarking ensures your incentives are market-aligned and performance-linked.

Ready to level up your total rewards program?

Let's start crafting your total rewards strategy together.

Total Rewards Insights

Read more about how we support building total rewards solutions that align with your business and talent strategies.
