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Building a High-Performing Organization
Starts with Leadership and Professional Assessments

Accurately assessing your people, predicting future needs, and bridging any gaps is essential for success—but understanding employees' strengths, motivations, and potential is a complex challenge. Meaningful organizational transformation requires a holistic leadership and professional assessment strategy that aligns with your organizational goals and delivers actionable insights that drive business results. 

Our comprehensive assessments help you understand your talent landscape by evaluating performance, potential, readiness, and fit against defined Success Profiles. This data-driven approach helps you address talent gaps, align your team with strategic goals, and build sustained business growth.

Discover the Power of

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Uncover potential gaps and gain a nuanced understanding of your leadership dynamics with Korn Ferry Assess™—a fusion of cutting-edge technology and our vast repository of proprietary data, setting a new standard in leadership assessment capabilities.

Discover the Power of

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Uncover potential gaps and gain a nuanced understanding of your leadership dynamics with Korn Ferry Assess™—a fusion of cutting-edge technology and our vast repository of proprietary data, setting a new standard in leadership assessment capabilities.


Our leadership and professional assessments draw on decades of industry experience, a proven methodology, and data-driven insights. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs—whether for a particular industry, business function, or job level, or to address a specific business challenge.

Our leadership and professional assessments draw on decades of industry experience, a proven methodology, and data-driven insights. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs—whether for a particular industry, business function, or job level, or to address a specific business challenge.

Define the Talent You Need

Define the talent you need with Success Profiles

See what success looks like by benchmarking your organization, leaders, and individuals against best-in-class profiles. Our talent platform analyzes a combination of internal and external data to provide accurate talent insights that align with your strategy and help you prepare for future business needs.

Learn More about Success Profiles

Assess Your Leaders

We show you how your leaders measure up

Your leaders are unique—that’s why we offer a variety of leadership assessments to evaluate them. Our solution includes a combination of elements that depend on your unique needs - self-assessments via Korn Ferry Assess, and customized evaluations led by our consultants. We analyze factors known to be strong predictors of engagement, productivity, and leadership effectiveness, and benchmark against Success Profiles to help identify areas for development within your leadership team.

Learn More About Leadership Assessments

Assess Your Professionals

Assess your professionals to uncover the talent you have

Our professional assessments give you the insights needed to build future sales stars, project managers, world-class customer service teams, and more—with data-driven analysis that works whether you’re benchmarking two people or 2,000.

We analyze both skillsets and mindsets to identify future-ready leaders capable of adapting to change and driving innovation. We help you recognize strengths, weaknesses, and leadership potential so you can plan bespoke career paths for each individual—whether preparing them for promotion, creating personalized training programs, or transitioning them to new roles that make the most of their skills.

See How We Assess at Scale

Develop with Intention

Develop with intention to bridge skills gaps

Should your leadership and professional assessments uncover skills gaps, our customized development approach helps you build a bridge that takes you from your current capabilities to your future goals.

Our strategy harnesses a variety of methods—from coaching to leadership development programs to certifications—all designed to ignite real behavior change in your leaders and professionals. We track outcomes against your Success Profiles, with a targeted approach designed to ensure your talent strategy evolves in line with business needs and aspirations.

Explore Leadership & Professional Development

Let Us Be Part of Your Success Story

Unlock your team’s full potential and bridge the talent gap with our leadership and professional assessments.

Leadership & Professional Assessments Insights

Read more about how we use our assessments to address challenges across businesses and industries.


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FAQs about Leadership Assessments

What is leadership assessment?

A leadership assessment identifies an individual’s competencies, traits, drivers and experiences that will allow them to excel in a leadership role. It identifies a person’s leadership style and reveals their potential for success as well as potential traits that might derail them from success.

Leadership assessments help organizations answer a variety of questions about their current and future leaders:

  • Performance: How effective are your current leaders?
  • Hiring and promotion: Do you have an internal leader ready to step up and tackle today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities? What talent gaps do you have that you need to close, whether by hiring external candidates or creating a development plan
  • Potential: Which internal candidates are ready to step into a more challenging role? What capacity do they have to grow, and how fast can they mature in a new role?
  • Fit: Do your people have the right skill set, mindset and personality to excel in a key position?

What is the purpose of leadership assessment?

Most organizations promote people based on what they can do, not who they are. And if those people who are promoted fail, it’s frequently because of who they are.

Leadership assessments help organizations determine whether someone will excel in a leadership role. Instead of evaluating past success, leadership assessments look at future capacity. They measure a person’s potential, or their ability to be effective in a more challenging role. Assessments consider how well the person can apply lessons from their previous experience as well as the traits and drivers that reveal their motivation to succeed in a more complex role.

How do you identify potential leaders?

At Korn Ferry, we assess high-potential leaders on the basis of a variety of categories, including these:

  • Learning agility, or the ability and willingness to learn from experience and apply that learning to perform successfully under new or first-time conditions
  • A track record of formative experiences that prepare them for future leadership roles, such as developing a strategy participating in critical negotiations
  • Self-awareness, or an individual’s ability to know their strengths and development needs
  • Leadership traits, which include inclinations and aptitudes, such as assertiveness and tolerance of ambiguity

What is the difference between leadership assessment and professional assessment?

Leadership assessments determine whether a candidate has the right competencies, drivers, traits and experiences to excel in a leadership role. Professional assessments, on the other hand, help you identify candidates for professional roles with the right skills and fit for your organization.

Professional assessments help you understand what “good” looks like for a role and ensure candidates have the right skills for the position. Given the number, variety and complexity of professional roles that recruiters may have to fill, professional assessments help organizations understand how to best match talent to the right position.

Why should you assess your talent?

Most organizations aren’t confident that they have the right people to fill their most critical roles, now and in the future. And most don’t excel at identifying high-potential talent, which, in turn, means that promotion decisions often miss the mark. That’s because many organizations mistake high performance for high potential.

Executives often rate compatible skills and competencies as the most significant qualities that drive their promotion decisions. However, most promotions fail because a candidate lacks the right traits or disposition (or both).

Instead, organizations need to look beyond how a candidate is performing today to determine how they will fare in a more challenging role. Being promotable doesn’t mean they’re excelling in their current role. It means they’ve got the ability to develop the qualifications for the next job and the job after that.

To gain this understanding, organizations must look at the whole person. At Korn Ferry, we believe that the whole person is made up of Four Dimensions of Leadership and Talent — the individual qualities that drive performance and engagement. The Dimensions are as follows:

  • Competencies: Skills and behaviors required for success that can be observed, such as decision quality, strategic mindset, global perspective and business insight
  • Experiences: Assignments or roles that prepare a person for future opportunities, such as functional experiences, international assignments, turnarounds and fix-its
  • Traits: Inclinations, aptitudes and natural tendencies a person leans toward, including intellectual capacity and personality traits such as assertiveness, risk taking, confidence and aptitude for logic and reasoning
  • Drivers: Values and interests that influence a person’s career path, motivation and engagement, such as power, status, autonomy and challenge