ChatGPT in the Workplace: Korn Ferry Survey Shows Majority of Professionals Would Use the Tool, Though Less Than Half Trust its Accuracy

Los Angeles, March 27, 2023 – As artificial intelligence chatbot tools such as ChatGPT gain prominence, professionals weigh in on using the technology in the workplace. 

In a new Korn Ferry survey of professionals, nearly half (46%) say they are currently using ChatGPT as part of their workday, and 83% say they plan on using it in the future.

However, fewer than half (43%) say they trust that ChatGPT will provide accurate results.  

“ChatGPT is a useful tool, but it shouldn’t replace the personalized approach people bring to their daily work or even job searches,” said Brad Frank, a Senior Client Partner in Korn Ferry’s Technology practice. “ChatGPT can streamline the process but should always be checked for both accuracy and the nuances that make a candidate or employee stand out.”

More than half of survey respondents (54%) say that beyond using it in their daily work, they would use ChatGPT to craft their resume.

The majority (80%) of survey respondents say they believe ChatGPT is a legitimate, beneficial work tool that is here to stay, and nearly one-quarter (24%) say their employers are already encouraging the use of ChatGPT in the workplace.

“This new technology has the ability to streamline workflows so team members can focus on important value-generating initiatives such as client service and innovation,” said Frank.

About the survey: The Korn Ferry survey of 312 professionals took place in early March 2023.

Survey results

Do you trust that ChatGPT will provide accurate results?

Yes                                          43%

No                                           57%


Do you believe ChatGPT is a legitimate, beneficial work tool that is here to stay?

No, I think it’s a fad                 20%

Yes, I think it’s here to stay    80%    


Are you using ChatGPT as part of your workday?

Yes                                          46%

No                                           54%


If not using ChatGPT today, do you plan on using it in the future?

Yes                                          83%

No                                           17%


Would you use ChatGPT to craft your resume?

Yes                                          54%

No                                           46%


Does your company encourage the use of ChatGPT in the workplace?

Yes                                          24%

No                                           76%


Does your company discourage the use of ChatGPT in the workplace?

Yes                                          21%

No                                           79%


About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. We work with our clients to design optimal organization structures, roles, and responsibilities. We help them hire the right people and advise them on how to reward and motivate their workforce while developing professionals as they navigate and advance their careers.

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