Selecting People for Changing Roles

Know what to look for in a new role

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For too long, talent selection has been the responsibility of a select few who have based their decisions on a narrow set of criteria. The limitations of this type of “tunnel vision” in the recruitment planning process have resulted, for many organizations, in a lack of talent diversity and a failure to adapt to a changing world.

For instance, Gallup research shows that at the managerial level, organizations fail to pick high-talent candidates 82% of the time.

Recruiting and assessing people for new and evolving roles tends to involve some guesswork around what that new role should look like and which competencies and technical skills might be required at each level. Additionally, consulting hiring managers and subject matter experts may result in the following:

  • Narrow definition of roles as they are performed currently
  • Over-engineering the role above and beyond what is possible
  • A consistency gap internally between the new role and other roles across your organization

If people are your most important asset, the most important decision you can make is who you hire and who you promote. Having a robust, talent-based selection process can support and better inform those decisions, and ultimately, will help you achieve better business results.

Introducing new "Best in Class" Success Profiles

KF Select allows you to define new and evolving roles in a fair, consistent and equitable way. It gives you over 5,500 recent “Best in Class” Success Profiles. More importantly, it allows you to edit, adapt and scale these up or down to suit your business strategy. It makes defining new and evolving roles immeasurably easier and more systematic.

Once the Success Profile is finalized, it will then allow you to measure job applicants against these new roles to ensure that they fit and are up for the challenge of this newly defined role. This allows you to pick people for the role who will thrive in this new environment.

product screenshot


Outcomes: A success story

Fit matters

Fit to role is important. KFI research shows that people who are a strong fit to their success profile are 7.5x more likely to be highly engaged by their role. They are likely to work harder, collaborate more and look after customers better.




Contact your KF representative for the latest on selecting people for success profiles.