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Coaching—the gold standard in creating lasting behavior change—provides a means for bringing out the best in high-potential individuals. It serves a dual purpose by also demonstrating that their employer (i.e. you) is invested in nurturing both their personal and professional development. This goes a long way in creating loyalty and confidence in your organization to deliver a solid, rewarding career pathway.   

When it's connected to an organizational goal, coaching for high-potentials can have an even greater impact: high-potentials not only hone their skills as future leaders, but they help accelerate transformation in an organization. These individuals typically thrive when they're challenged regularly, so coaching can help push them out of their comfort zones and give them the type of challenges they crave, like creative problem-solving and lateral thinking.  

The ROI of developing all your high-potentials can't necessarily be measured in currency, but it can have a lasting impact on your organizational success that will resonate long into the future.  

Download our eBook to learn about coaching at scale for high-potential employees. 

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