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Factor II: Results

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D. Taking initiative

2. Action oriented


Title: “The 4-hour workweek: Escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich”

Author: Timothy Ferriss

Publisher: Ebury Press

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Timothy Ferriss challenges the traditional concept of work and life, advocating for a “new rich” lifestyle that includes time freedom and location independence. Ferriss provides strategies for achieving more with less and pursuing one’s passions.

Competencies addressed: Ferriss promotes taking action to achieve lifestyle goals, enhancing an action-oriented mindset.


27. Resourcefulness


Title: “The 4-hour workweek: Escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich”

Author: Timothy Ferriss

Publisher: Ebury Press

Publish Date: 2011

Description: Timothy Ferriss challenges the traditional concept of work and life, advocating for a “new rich” lifestyle that includes time freedom and location independence. Ferriss provides strategies for achieving more with less and pursuing one’s passions.

Competencies addressed: The book offers creative strategies for achieving lifestyle goals, promoting Resourcefulness.


Title: “Thrive on pressure: Lead and succeed when times get tough”

Author: Graham Jones

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: Graham Jones explores the psychology of handling high-pressure situations effectively. Jones provides insights and strategies for individuals and teams to thrive in challenging circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Handling pressure often requires Resourcefulness in finding solutions, and the book provides insights that can help develop this competency...


E. Managing execution

15. Directs work


25. Plans and aligns


38. Optimizes work processes


Title: “The 80/20 principle”

Author: Richard Koch

Publisher: Crown Currency

Publish Date: 1999

Description: Richard Koch explores the concept that a small portion of inputs or efforts often produces the majority of results in various aspects of life, including business and personal productivity. Koch shows how understanding and applying this principle can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.

Competencies addressed: The 80/20 principle can help individuals optimize work processes by identifying the most critical tasks and allocating resources effectively.


F. Focusing on performance

1. Ensures accountability


Title: “The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma”

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

Publisher: Penguin Books

Publish Date: 2015

Description: The author shows the science behind how different kinds of trauma can affect the brain and body. The book offers insights into ways to activate the brain’s neuroplasticity for healing and recovery.

Competencies addressed: Understanding and addressing trauma is a way of taking accountability for one’s well-being.


28. Drives results


Title: “Thrive on pressure: Lead and succeed when times get tough”

Author: Graham Jones

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: Graham Jones explores the psychology of handling high-pressure situations effectively. Jones provides insights and strategies for individuals and teams to thrive in challenging circumstances.

Competencies addressed: Successfully managing pressure often leads to achieving desired results, aligning with the competency of driving results.


Title: “Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life”

Author: Kevin Cashman

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Publish Date: 2017

Description: Kevin Cashman identifies key mastery areas that form the foundation for effective leadership.

Competencies addressed: Effective leadership skills can help drive results.


Title: “Mindset: The new psychology of success”

Author: Carol S. Dweck

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Publish Date: 2007

Description: “Mindset” explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets, sharing how one’s beliefs and attitudes about their abilities can impact their success and personal growth.

Competencies addressed: The book shows how a positive growth mindset can contribute to driving results.


Title: “Talent on demand: Managing talent in an age of uncertainty”

Author: Peter Cappelli

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Cappelli examines the challenges and strategies related to talent management in the modern workplace. The author provides insights into sourcing and managing talent effectively.

Competencies addressed: Effective talent management can lead to better organizational results.


Title: “HBR guide to better business writing”

Author: Bryan A. Garner

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Publish Date: 2013

Description: This book offers practical advice and techniques for improving written communication in the business context, emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging writing.

Competencies addressed: Effective business writing can drive better results in various business activities.


Title: “Simply said: Communicating better at work and beyond”

Author: Jay Sullivan

Publisher: Wiley

Publish Date: 2016

Description: The author provides practical guidance on effective communication, both in the workplace and in personal interactions, focusing on clarity and impact.

Competencies addressed: Effective communication can lead to better results in various aspects of life and work.


Title: “The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Pocket

Publish Date: 2008

Description: Covey explores the impact of trust on personal and professional relationships, emphasizing its role in accelerating progress and achieving goals.

Competencies addressed: Trust is linked to achieving better results through effective relationships.


Title: “Trust and inspire: How truly great leaders unleash greatness in others”

Author: Stephen M. R. Covey

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publish Date: 2022

Description: Following up on “The Speed of Trust,” Covey continues the exploration of trust and its impact on leadership and relationships, providing additional insights and strategies.

Competencies addressed: Trust is often linked to positive relationships that can help with achieving better results.


Title: “Resilience that works: Eight practices for leadership and life”

Authors: Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Clerkin, Katya C. Fernandez

Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership

Publish Date: 2022

Description: The authors explore practices for building resilience in both leadership and personal life, offering strategies for overcoming challenges.

Competencies addressed: Resilience often contributes to achieving better results in leadership and life.


Title: “Happiness at work: Be resilient, motivated, and successful—No matter what”

Author: Srikumar Rao

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publish Date: 2010

Description: The author explores strategies for creating joy and resilience in the workplace, contributing to personal and professional success.

Competencies addressed: Happiness and motivation often lead to better results.